Sirénido lanceiro


Archery is little favored by the merfolk, for whom use of javelins serves a similar function. Though thrown javelins are of little use under the water, they are extremely effective at the surface, where their weight allows them to plunge several feet below the water while retaining enough momentum to wreak damage. They are also useful in melee, even deep under the surface, which is something that certainly cannot be said of arrows.



Advances from: Sirénido cazador
Advances to: Sirénido lanzador de xavelina
Cost: 22
HP: 43
Moves: 7
XP: 54
Nivel: 2
Aliñación: legal
Id: Merman Spearman

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)lanza(pierce attack) perforación6 × 2(melee attack) corpo a corpo
(image)lanza(pierce attack) perforación6 × 4(ranged attack) a distancia


(icon) folla0% (icon) perforación0%
(icon) impacto0% (icon) lume0%
(icon) frío20% (icon) arcano0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Area230%
(icon) Arrecife costeiro270%
(icon) Auga pouco profunda160%
(icon) Auga profunda150%
(icon) Bosque430%
(icon) Braña160%
(icon) Castelo140%
(icon) Chaira230%
(icon) Cogomelos320%
(icon) Conxelado230%
(icon) Cova320%
(icon) Intransitábel0%
(icon) Manto falso do descoñecido0%
(icon) Montañas0%
(icon) Outeiros430%
(icon) Vila140%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:43:14 2024.