Llop salvatge


‘Direwolves’ differ from the common variety only in size and color. They typically stand taller than a horse at the shoulder, and have an appetite to match. Posing a considerable threat to even experienced soldiers, direwolves are avoided by all but madmen.



Advances from:
Advances to:
Cost: 33
HP: 57
Moves: 10
XP: 150
Nivell: 3
Alineació: neutral
Id: Direwolf

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)ullals(blade attack) talla7 × 4(melee attack) melé


(icon) talla0% (icon) perfora0%
(icon) impacta0% (icon) foc0%
(icon) fred0% (icon) arcà0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Aigua poc profunda320%
(icon) Aigua profunda0%
(icon) Bosc250%
(icon) Castell160%
(icon) Cova240%
(icon) Escull costaner230%
(icon) Fong340%
(icon) Gelat220%
(icon) Impracticable0%
(icon) Muntanyes260%
(icon) Pantà330%
(icon) Plana140%
(icon) Poble150%
(icon) Sorra230%
(icon) Turons150%
(icon) Vel fals0%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:41:48 2024.