Elvish Rider


The prevalence of guerrilla tactics in Elven strategy results in great emphasis on maintaining highly mobile units capable of fighting on an adaptable battlefront. This style of warfare requires rapid communication between small skirmish groups and the ability to quickly transfer troops between combat zones. Experienced Elvish riders know this well and thus devote most of their time to improving their horsemanship rather than their individual fighting skills. The speed at which they travel through the forest would be suicidal for any other cavalry, and they are tenacious enough to ride for as much as two or three days at a time without resting. While the intelligence and communication these horsemen provide is invaluable, the lack of combat prowess and front line engagement means that these riders are the oft unsung heroes of war, left supporting their brethren from the back lines.



Advances from: Elvish Scout
Advances to: Elvish Outrider
Cost: 28
HP: 49
Moves: 10
XP: 75
Mæþ: 2
Alignment: efen
Id: Elvish Rider

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)sƿeord(blade attack) ecg7 × 3(melee attack) neahfeoht
(image)boga(pierce attack) stice11 × 2(ranged attack) feorfeoht


(icon) ecg0% (icon) stice-20%
(icon) dynt0% (icon) fyr0%
(icon) ceald0% (icon) runlic-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Beorgas360%
(icon) Burg160%
(icon) Coastal Reef230%
(icon) Deop Ƿæter0%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fild140%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Gefroren230%
(icon) Hyllas250%
(icon) Sand230%
(icon) Sceald Ƿæter320%
(icon) Scræf330%
(icon) Swamp230%
(icon) Unwalkable0%
(icon) Þorp150%
(icon) Ƿeald160%
Last updated on Fri Oct 25 00:40:57 2024.