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Few Weavers and Prophets reach the rank of Ascendant. Not just because of the difficult in reaching this goal, but also because of the danger and sacrifice necessary. The path to becoming an Ascendant begins when a Weaver-born binds themselves to their accompanying spirit in the same manner that the spirit bound itself to her on her birth. A successful binding will slowly, over the course of two years, pull her body into The Raw. If the Ascending fails, she faces a slow death. As the Spirit cares for her wellbeing above all else, it will reject the binding unless she can convince it that she is powerful enough to Ascend. If successful, her physical form will slowly be converted into The Raw itself, granting her immortality and great, though not infallible, insight into the nature of events, both current and of those to come.

Any who reach this pinnacle of the Weaver-born automatically becomes a full member of the Council. Though most Ascendants were Prophets, it is technically possible for Envoys and Heralds to Ascend. However, Envoys have experienced the dangers of passing through The Raw and the idea of entering unprotected shakes even the bravest woman's confidence.

Because an Ascendant's body is being transformed into The Raw, most damage they take simply speeds the process (They heal as if in a village every turn). They know powerful healing ciphers and those around them revere them, obeying them with fervour.

Notas Especiales: Esta unidad es capaz de sanar a todos aquellos a su alrededor y curarles del veneno. El liderazgo de esta unidad permite que las unidades del mismo bando próximas a ésta hagan más daño en combate, aunque esto sólo se aplica a unidades de menor nivel. Esta unidad se regenera, lo que permite que se sane como si siempre estuviera apostada en una aldea. El ataque arcano de esta unidad inflige un tremendo daño a los no muertos y algo de daño a las criaturas vivas. Esta unidad es capaz de enlentecer a sus enemigos, reduciendo a la mitad su velocidad de movimiento y daño de ataque hasta que acabe el turno.

Procede de: Prophetess
Se convierte en:
Coste: 60
PV: 47
Movimiento: 5
PX: 150
Nivel: 3
Alineamiento: neutral
Habilidades: cura, sana +8, liderazgo, regenera
7 - 3
cuerpo a cuerpo
de corte0%
de penetración0%
de impacto0%
de fuego0%
de frío0%
TerrenoCoste de movimientoDefensa
Aguas profundas-0%
Aguas someras320%
Arrecife costero230%
Campo de setas250%