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Having treated hundreds of patients, the Practitioners have a knowledge as broad as it is deep; well-acquaintened with a plethora of maladies, they spend as much time teaching their successors and delving deeper into the secrets of the healing art, as they do treating the sick and wounded.
A high Practitioner does not have to worry about base matters such as gold, for his hard-earned acclaim and respect from all social classes means the mighty and the wealthy compete to show him their appreciation and goodwill; for it is so that a high Practitioner decides over life and death simply by choosing who is worthy to recieve the services of his precious few apprentices, and who shall go without aid.

Having spent their lives in scholarly pursuit, the Practitioners never trained in the arts of combat, yet can use their knowledge of the body's workings to great effect, reluctantly so.Having treated hundreds of patients, the Practitioners have a knowledge as broad as it is deep; well-acquaintened with a plethora of maladies, they spend as much time teaching their successors and delving deeper into the secrets of the healing art, as they do treating the sick and wounded.
A high Practitioner does not have to worry about base matters such as gold, for his hard-earned acclaim and respect from all social classes means the mighty and the wealthy compete to show him their appreciation and goodwill; for it is so that a high Practitioner decides over life and death simply by choosing who is worthy to recieve the services of his precious few apprentices, and who shall go without aid.

Having spent their lives in scholarly pursuit, the Practitioners never trained in the arts of combat, yet can use their knowledge of the body's workings to great effect, reluctantly so.

Notas Especiales: Esta unidad es capaz de sanar a todos aquellos a su alrededor y curarles del veneno.

Procede de: Herbalist
Se convierte en:
Coste: 70
PV: 58
Movimiento: 6
PX: 88
Level: 3
Alineamiento: neutral
Habilidades: cura, sana +8
de corte
4 - 5
cuerpo a cuerpo
(image)Herbal Fumes
de fuego
2 - 20
a distancia
de corte20%
de penetración20%
de impacto20%
de fuego10%
de frío10%
TerrenoCoste de movimientoDefensa
Aguas profundas150%
Aguas someras160%
Arrecife costero10%
Campo de setas230%