
(image) (image)

Questions of the soul, of consciousness, of life itself have been topics of great interest and debate amongst seekers of all stripes, from crude orcish shamans or cloistered human mages to fae sylphs or powerful lich-lords. The Magnellian Cyboborg would give all of them a lot to consider, as it is still the living being it was in its former life, yet in its goals and major actions, it is a puppet firmly under the control of a central command.

Does the man or woman under the steel mask have any awareness or approval of the actions they take? As of this writing, none have survived an attempted liberation, so this question remains unanswered.

What is known is that the standard cyborg is a competent knife-fighter, and has the ability to throw white-hot fire in a clumsy, yet powerful attack.



Advances from: Man-Bot
Advances to:
Cost: 14
HP: 32
Moves: 5
XP: 100
Level: 1
Alignment: chaotic
Id: Tri_Mech_Cyborg

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)dagger(blade attack) blade7 × 3(melee attack) melee(backstab, lesser assimilation)
(image)spark(fire attack) fire16 × 1(ranged attack) ranged


(icon) blade0% (icon) pierce0%
(icon) impact0% (icon) fire0%
(icon) cold0% (icon) arcane10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Castle160%
(icon) Cave240%
(icon) Coastal Reef230%
(icon) Deep Water0%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Flat140%
(icon) Forest250%
(icon) Frozen320%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Hills250%
(icon) Mountains360%
(icon) Sand230%
(icon) Shallow Water320%
(icon) Swamp320%
(icon) Unwalkable0%
(icon) Village160%
Last updated on Fri Mar 22 02:22:33 2024.