Wild Witch


The magical cults of the northern lands are divided into two types: cults that worship the light gods, and those that worship the spirits of the dark world. And while the former are supported by the princely power and are highly respected, a ban is imposed on the latter; worshipers of dark spirits are persecuted and punished by both the secular authorities and the priesthood. And no wonder - after all, a lot of evil was done by dark spirits in the old days! Most of all, the cults of the dark gods are popular among women. Sometimes, a girl is born seemingly with a fiend inside her, oddities happening to her, and no matter what people tried to do, there was no way to rid her of it. Such girls in the north are considered lunatics. They are feared and avoided. Many holy fools were formerly forced to flee to forests and swamps, and there, far from everyone, drag out their miserable existence as wild witches.

Now everything has changed.

The witch queen sent the messenger ravens to all the northern lands, to forests and swamps. She called these unfortunate girls to her place, and promised them support and protection. Many wild witches answered her call. The witch-queen discovered a great magical potential in them and took them under her personal tutelage. Local witches treat their wild sisters with apprehension, but this does not compare with the contempt they have for people from the northern land. The hearts of the wild witches are filled with hatred for people who rejected them and love for their patroness. Unbeknownst to the the people of the north, many of the misfortunes that have befallen them in recent decades - crop failures, epidemics, strife - are the work of the wild witches who have learned to draw strength from their hatred and direct it in what they view to be the right direction.



Advances from: Chernava
Advances to:
Cost: 37
HP: 43
Moves: 6
XP: 60
Level: 2
Alignment: chaotic
Id: Hunn_Wild_Witch
Abilities: dummy, queen of wolves, wolf pack

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)staff(impact attack) impact6 × 2(melee attack) melee
(image)swamp fire(fire attack) fire8 × 4(ranged attack) ranged(magical)
(image)evil eye(arcane attack) arcane10 × 1(ranged attack) ranged(hyperfocused, evil eye)


(icon) blade0% (icon) pierce0%
(icon) impact0% (icon) fire10%
(icon) cold10% (icon) arcane20%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Castle160%
(icon) Cave240%
(icon) Coastal Reef230%
(icon) Deep Water0%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Flat140%
(icon) Forest160%
(icon) Frozen230%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Hills250%
(icon) Mountains260%
(icon) Sand230%
(icon) Shallow Water320%
(icon) Swamp250%
(icon) Unwalkable0%
(icon) Village160%
Last updated on Thu Oct 3 04:02:24 2024.