Mistress of the Dead Field


This is the Witch Queen herself, the self-proclaimed mistress of the Dead Field and all the dark forces. In the northern lands, there is such a legend about its origin:

“A long time ago, a strong tsar ruled in the tsardom of Krad. His people prospered, and the neighboring lands recognized his strength and swore vassal oaths to him. All except the Temsk principality on the seashore, which remained independent. And the Knyaz of Temsk had a daughter of unprecedented beauty, whom people came to see from all over the world. And the tsar of Krad planned to marry her - get a beautiful wife, and inherit the principality while at it. He sent matchmakers three times - but all three times the proud princess refused his request. The tsar became absolutely furious, gathered a strong army, and marched to the Temsk. He ravaged the country, burned down the capital city, and kidnapped the princess right in front of her father, who turned gray and became speechless. The knyaz himself was sent to prison, Temsj was annexed to the kingdom of Krad, and the princess, even before the wedding, from the very night when the capital of Temsk fell, suffered. She gave birth to a daughter to the tsar, but tragically died during childbirth.
The tsar doted on his daughter, brought her gifts from overseas, boasted about her in front of foreign ambassadors, thinking about which prince to marry his daughter to.

Unbeknownst to him, his daughter got a horn from her mother. Should she blow the horn, before her would appear a Demon, and will do what the princess says, be it bringing something, playing games, or just chatting.

And the tsar of Krad from three queens had three sons, his pride and support.
One day the eldest son goes to the garden, and he sees his step sister playing checkers with a winged demon. He got scared and ran to the guard to call.
And the princess said coldly to the demon:
- Kill him.
He drew his sword and killed the elder prince before he had the time to warn anyone.
The princess blew the horn again - her demon disappeared into thin air, and she ran to her father to cry.
- They murdered, - she said, - my half-brother, your elder son, evil men in the garden; just barely I broke free from them. The tsar was angry, ordered to look for the assassins. He suspected the lords, and executed thirty-three of them. The people began to fear and mistrust the tsar.

Another time, the tsar's middle son was walking in the garden, he saw that his step sister was playing checkers with the winged demon.
He drew his sword and ran to the demon with a battle cry.
- Kill him - said the princess.
And the demon slain the second price as swiftly as he did the first.
The princess blew into the horn - and the demon disappeared.
She ran to her father in tears.
-Again -, she said -, evil people entered the garden, attacked me and your middle son! He just barely managed to protect me, bravely fought them with his sword, and now lies dead there ...
The tsar was furious and ordered to look for the assassins. He suspected the nobles again, and executed three hundred and three of them.
The people became angry with the way the king spilled their blood.
Another time the youngest son was walking in the garden, he saw the princess playing checkers with the demon.
Unlike the other two, he calmly approached, and sat down next to them.
- I know -, he says, -that you killed my brothers with your devil, sister. Yet that's exact what I need; I want to become king after my father, but with the older brothers alive that would not have been possible. Let's kill our father together, and rule the Krad kingdom ourselves.
The princess agreed, sent the demon to her father's bedroom, and the demon stabbed the tsar to death.
- Alas, you, my cunning brother, will not thrive, - said the princess. The demon appeared and stabbed the younger prince, and he himself took on his appearance.
There was a commotion in the palace when the servants of the slain king saw his lifeless body. The impostor prince summoned the entire courtyard, all the standard-bearers and vassals to the throne room, and made the follwoing speech:
- My father, our tsar, like my brothers, was killed by evil people. Since the most evil lords and the most evil nobles were already executed, the common people are guilty of the murder of our tsar!
They crowned the devil-prince to the kingdom, and the soldiers went out, and on the orders of the impostor they began to catch and cut down the common people, saying: This is what you get for murdering the tsar!
And the princess laughed, watching from the walls of the palace as the soldiers slaughtered innocent people.
The common people were brimming with fierce hatred. They took axes and stakes, overwhelemed the royal soldiers and nobles. The enraged crowd fought their way to the palace itself, and took it - they rushed into the throne room to bring the self-proclaimed bastard of a Tsar to justice.
And then tsar suddenly turned back into a devil, snapped his fingers, and summoned a horse with black wings; flew out on horseback from the hall and took the princess with him.

The demon flew away with the princess far into the steppe, they began to live there, and breed Kanavars. And their children went on campaigns to other kingdoms, taking many a prisoner with them.'



Advances from: Grand Witch
Advances to:
Cost: 85
HP: 68
Moves: 6
XP: 125
Level: 4
Alignment: chaotic
Id: Hunn_Mistress_of_the_Dead_Field
Abilities: dummy, birther of fiends, dummy, steppe mistress blood

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)staff(impact attack) impact17 × 1(melee attack) melee(magical)
(image)frozen blust(cold attack) cold10 × 5(ranged attack) ranged(magical)
(image)curse(arcane attack) arcane7 × 6(ranged attack) ranged(magical, curse of decay 12)
(image)astral storm(arcane attack) arcane32 × 1(ranged attack) ranged(focused, area of effect 75%, attack-only)


(icon) blade0% (icon) pierce0%
(icon) impact0% (icon) fire30%
(icon) cold30% (icon) arcane30%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Castle160%
(icon) Cave240%
(icon) Coastal Reef230%
(icon) Deep Water0%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Flat140%
(icon) Forest150%
(icon) Frozen230%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Hills250%
(icon) Mountains260%
(icon) Sand230%
(icon) Shallow Water320%
(icon) Swamp230%
(icon) Unwalkable0%
(icon) Village160%
Last updated on Thu Oct 3 04:02:24 2024.