Dune Windbolt


Archery on horseback presents a number of additional challenges that very few are able to overcome. What separates the renowned windbolts from other bowmen is their ability to not only master these difficulties, but turn them into advantages instead. Making use of their steeds’ great speed, a windbolt is actually a better archer when mounted as compared to on land. The extra momentum from riding on horseback provides additional force to their already potent shots, and by riding in meandering patterns, these bowmen are able to curve the trajectories of their arrows, reaching targets they might not be able to otherwise. Having honed their craft to its apex, windbolts are the undisputed masters of ranged combat among the Dunefolk.



Advances from: Dune Horse Archer
Advances to:
Cost: 49
HP: 52
Moves: 8
XP: 150
Nivel: 3
Aliñación: crepuscular
Id: Dune Windbolt

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)maza(impact attack) impacto10 × 2(melee attack) corpo a corpo
(image)arco composto(pierce attack) perforación8 × 5(ranged attack) a distancia


(icon) folla10% (icon) perforación-20%
(icon) impacto10% (icon) lume0%
(icon) frío0% (icon) arcano10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Area140%
(icon) Arrecife costeiro330%
(icon) Auga pouco profunda420%
(icon) Auga profunda0%
(icon) Bosque340%
(icon) Braña420%
(icon) Castelo160%
(icon) Chaira140%
(icon) Cogomelos340%
(icon) Conxelado230%
(icon) Cova330%
(icon) Intransitábel0%
(icon) Manto falso do descoñecido0%
(icon) Montañas360%
(icon) Outeiros260%
(icon) Vila140%
Last updated on Fri Jul 26 00:42:52 2024.