

Rangers are wild men and wanderers, who have chosen to shun the company of their fellow men for myriad reasons. They have spent the better part of their lives in the thick of nature, and know many of its secrets. They are excellent pathfinders and explorers, and can find food and shelter where other men would find only sticks and stones.

The presence of these men troubles the more authoritarian of rulers; they are an element that knights and landed armies cannot control. They are men of dubious motives, and are the first to scoff at any royal decree, if they even hear of it at all. Rangers can be hired, but they are just as likely to be in the employ of bandits, as they are to be in the king’s service.



Advances from: Trapper
Advances to:
Cost: 43
HP: 60
Moves: 6
XP: 150
Level: 3
Alignment: kaotičen
Id: Ranger

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)meč(blade attack) rezilo7 × 4(melee attack) melee
(image)lok(pierce attack) pierce7 × 4(ranged attack) ranged


(icon) rezilo0% (icon) pierce0%
(icon) impact0% (icon) ogenj0%
(icon) cold0% (icon) arcane10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Coastal Reef230%
(icon) Deep Water0%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Flat140%
(icon) Frozen220%
(icon) Fungus250%
(icon) Gore260%
(icon) Gozd160%
(icon) Grad160%
(icon) Hills160%
(icon) Jama240%
(icon) Močvirje260%
(icon) Pesek230%
(icon) Plitva voda240%
(icon) Unwalkable0%
(icon) Vas160%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:45:12 2024.