Trucidador Orc


Skilled orcish assassins are surprisingly nimble covert troops who achieve great agility by forgoing the heavy armor of their brethren. Their weapon of choice, poison, is often criticized as a vicious tool unsuited for the established customs of typical warfare. Most orcs, however, recognize no such laws of combat and seek to attain victory by any means necessary. Defeat, no matter the reason, is usually treated as the greatest dishonor possible. The brutal nature of the total war that orcs engage in is precisely what gives rise to these ruthless soldiers, rightly dubbed ‘Slayers’ by their enemies.



Advances from: Assassino Orc
Advances to: Lamina Noturna Orc
Cost: 21
HP: 36
Moves: 6
XP: 62
Nível: 2
Alinhamento: nocturno
Id: Orcish Slayer

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)adaga(blade attack) cortante9 × 2(melee attack) curto
(image)punhal de arremesso(blade attack) cortante6 × 3(ranged attack) longo(precisão, veneno)


(icon) cortante-30% (icon) perfurante-20%
(icon) impacto-20% (icon) fogo0%
(icon) gelado0% (icon) arcano0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Aldeias170%
(icon) Areia240%
(icon) Castelo170%
(icon) Caverna250%
(icon) Colinas270%
(icon) Congelado240%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Floresta270%
(icon) Floresta de Cogumelos270%
(icon) Impassível0%
(icon) Montanhas370%
(icon) Planície160%
(icon) Pântano240%
(icon) Recife Costeiro250%
(icon) Águas Profundas0%
(icon) Águas Rasas240%
Last updated on Wed Oct 23 00:44:50 2024.