Quenoth Flanker


Some fighters find that their true talents lie not within rigid spear ranks, but out in the sands, striking at the flanks and rear of enemy forces. Fast and nimble, these elves make use of the weaknesses in enemy formations to disrupt their lines and sow chaos on the battlefield. In more cutthroat conflicts, Flankers even rely on the use of poison — a tool whose use was frowned on by their ancestors — to cripple their foes before charging in for the finish.



Advances from: Quenoth Fighter
Advances to: Quenoth Ranger
Cost: 28
HP: 43
Moves: 5
XP: 90
Рівень: 2
Тип: порядний
Id: Quenoth Flanker
Abilities: авангардист

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)меч(blade attack) ріжучий8 × 4(melee attack) ближня
(image)blowgun(pierce attack) колючий2 × 4(ranged attack) дальня(отрута)


(icon) ріжучий0% (icon) колючий0%
(icon) ударний0% (icon) вогнем0%
(icon) холодом0% (icon) містичний-10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Болото230%
(icon) Глибока вода0%
(icon) Гори360%
(icon) Грибниця250%
(icon) Замок160%
(icon) Ліс250%
(icon) Мерзлота330%
(icon) Мілка вода320%
(icon) Пагорби250%
(icon) Печера230%
(icon) Прибережний риф230%
(icon) Провалля0%
(icon) Пісок160%
(icon) Рівнина140%
(icon) Село160%
(icon) Фальшива пелена0%
Last updated on Thu Oct 3 02:34:13 2024.