Shadow Mage


Years of violence and brutality to support the study of forbidden magical arts have turned the shadow mages into feared fighters. Now completely enthralled with power, they have been known to command small followings of henchmen. They are outmatched in direct magical combat with their magic-using peers, instead channeling their energies into devastating melee attacks. Despite their offensive power, the corruption in their souls has begun to adversely affect their health.



Advances from: Rogue Mage
Advances to: Shadow Lord
Cost: 39
HP: 42
Moves: 6
XP: 120
Līmenis: 2
Īpašība: haotisks
Id: Shadow Mage
Abilities: vadītājs

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)īsais zobens(blade attack) asmens7 × 3(melee attack) tuvcīņa(maģija)
(image)shadow bolt(cold attack) aukstums10 × 2(ranged attack) lādiņš(maģija)


(icon) asmens0% (icon) dūriens0%
(icon) trieciens0% (icon) uguns0%
(icon) aukstums0% (icon) mistiskais20%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Ala240%
(icon) Ciems160%
(icon) Dzelme0%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Kalni360%
(icon) Līdzenums140%
(icon) Mežs250%
(icon) Necaurejams0%
(icon) Pauguri250%
(icon) Piekrastes rifs230%
(icon) Pils160%
(icon) Purvs320%
(icon) Sasalums320%
(icon) Seklums320%
(icon) Smiltis230%
(icon) Sēnes250%
Last updated on Thu Oct 3 02:31:55 2024.