Naga Ophidian / Nagini Ophidian

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Experienced warriors of the Southern Naga often find work as mercenaries, usually hired by neighboring Dunefolk to control key waterways near the coastline. Due to their constant confrontations with enemy horsemen, Ophidians have retired the ringed blades of their youth and picked up the piercing jarid, a type of small javelin that the nagas have made more deadly by adding lead harvested from sunken ship ballasts. Though generally amicable with their wealthy employers, this friendliness should not be mistaken for loyalty, for the Ophidian are known for readily switching between rival city-state factions at the start of each shipping season, when demand for water-based protection is the highest. As a group, these nagas encourage a healthy amount of competition among the surface factions, ensuring their services are valued by one tribe or another.



Advances from: Naga Dirkfang
Advances to: Naga Sicarius
Cost: 22
HP: 43
Moves: 7
XP: 76
Level: 2
Golongan: netral
Id: Naga Ophidian

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)curved blade(blade attack) senjata tajam6 × 3(melee attack) serangan jarak dekat
(image)jarid(pierce attack) tusukan12 × 2(ranged attack) serangan jarak jauh

Daya Tahan

(icon) senjata tajam0% (icon) tusukan0%
(icon) peremuk0% (icon) api0%
(icon) dingin0% (icon) misterius0%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) Beku220%
(icon) Bukit340%
(icon) Datar240%
(icon) Desa140%
(icon) Fake Shroud0%
(icon) Fungus240%
(icon) Gua240%
(icon) Gunung540%
(icon) Hutan340%
(icon) Istana250%
(icon) Pantai Berbatu Karang270%
(icon) Pasir150%
(icon) Perairan Dalam150%
(icon) Perairan Dangkal160%
(icon) Rawa160%
(icon) Tak Terlewati0%
Last updated on Thu Jun 27 02:30:30 2024.