Ork İmparatoru

Seviye 3


Şuna terfi eder:

Advance from: Ork Hükümdarı

YP: 75  Bedel: 50  Hareket: Hizalama: kaotik  TP: 150

Yetenekler: liderlik

From time to time, an orc will arise who has a natural charisma and command over his ilk. If they are also strong and cunning, they will inevitably find themselves leading a great horde of warriors, and they will also inevitably cause a great deal of trouble for the civilized races of the world. The surest way to disperse such a host is to slay this rare orc who can hold it together. The leadership of this unit enables friendly units next to it to deal more damage in combat, though this only applies to units of lower level.


İsim Tür Vuruşlar Menzil Özel
büyük kılıç kesme 10-4 yakın  
yay delme 9-3 menzilli  


kesme 0%
soğuk 0%
ateş 0%
gizemli 0%
darbe 0%
delme 0%

Arazi Ayarı

Arazi Hareket Savunma
Kale 1 60%
Köy 1 60%
Derin Su 99 20%
Sığ Su 3 20%
Çayırlık 1 40%
Orman 2 50%
Tepeler 1 50%
Dağlar 2 60%
Bataklık 3 30%
Kum 2 30%
Mağara 2 40%
Kar 3 20%
Mantar Korusu 3 40%
Kanyon 99 20%

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