
Stopnja 2


Napreduje v: Nočna groza 

Napreduje v: Duh

HP: 24  Cena: 38  Premiki: Poravnava: kaotičen  XP: 100

Sposobnosti: nočni zalezovalec izogibalec

When light came into the world and gave form to the unknown, fear was forced to retreat into darkness. Since that day, the shadows of the world have held terror for humanity, though it knows not why.
That is a question which is easily answered by a necromancer. If there is an enemy of the target on the opposite side of the target, this unit may backstab, inflicting double damage by creeping around behind that enemy. Spirits have very unusual resistances to damage, and move quite slowly over open water. This unit is able to hide at night, leaving no trace of its presence. This unit's skill at skirmishing allows it to ignore enemies' zones of control and thus move unhindered around them.


Ime Vrsta Udarci Doseg Posebnosti orožja
kremplji oster 8-3 na blizu vbod v hrbet 


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mrzel 70%
ognjen 10%
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