Povodni hoplit

Stopnja 3


Napreduje v:

Napreduje v: Povodni bojevnik

HP: 52  Cena: 43  Premiki: Poravnava: zakonit  XP: 150

Sposobnosti: neomajnost

With their towering shields, the Merman Hoplites form the elite guard of the watery realm. Their powerful armor and rigid discipline allow them to hold a steadfast line in the maelstrom of battle. In times of desperation, they can even do so on land, though not nearly as well as a creature with legs. The steadiness of this unit reduces damage from some attacks, but only while defending.


Ime Vrsta Udarci Doseg Posebnosti orožja
trizob koničast 15-2 na blizu  


oster 20%
mrzel 30%
ognjen 20%
na daleč 0%
top 20%
koničast 30%

Terenski prikrojevalci

Teren Premikanje Obramba
Grad 1 40%
Vas 1 40%
Globoka voda 1 50%
Plitva voda 1 60%
Stepa 2 30%
Gozd 5 30%
Griči 5 30%
Gore 99 20%
Močvirje 1 60%
Pesek 2 30%
Jama 3 20%
Sneg 2 30%
Glivni gaj 3 20%
Brezno 99 20%

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