Vilinski jezdec

Stopnja 2


Napreduje v: Vilinski predizvidnik 

Napreduje v: Vilinski izvidnik

HP: 46  Cena: 31  Premiki: 10  Poravnava: nevtralen  XP: 75


The master horsemen of the elves are able to move through forests at a speed which would be suicidal for any human. Awe of the rider is quite justified - but questions have also been raised about the stock of the horses, for the feats they perform seem almost supernatural.
This combination of incredible mobility and potent combat strength is one of the greatest assets the elves possess in warfare.


Ime Vrsta Udarci Doseg Posebnosti orožja
meč oster 7-3 na blizu  
lok koničast 9-2 na daleč  


oster 0%
mrzel 0%
ognjen 0%
na daleč -10%
top 0%
koničast -20%

Terenski prikrojevalci

Teren Premikanje Obramba
Grad 1 60%
Vas 1 50%
Globoka voda 99 20%
Plitva voda 3 20%
Stepa 1 40%
Gozd 1 60%
Griči 2 50%
Gore 3 60%
Močvirje 2 30%
Pesek 2 30%
Jama 3 30%
Sneg 2 30%
Glivni gaj 2 50%
Brezno 99 20%

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