Vilinski logar

Stopnja 2


Napreduje v: Vilinski maščevalec 

Napreduje v: Vilinski lokostrelec

HP: 42  Cena: 41  Premiki: Poravnava: nevtralen  XP: 90

Sposobnosti: zaseda

Though a man might spend years in the forest, he will never shake the feeling that he is a guest in a place he is not truly a part of. With elves, this is quite reversed. Any elf that studies the lore of the woods becomes a fitting master of them. This, combined with a considerable skill at archery and swordsmanship, is very useful in warfare. In woodlands, this unit's ambush skill renders it invisible to enemies unless it is immediately adjacent or has revealed itself by attacking.


Ime Vrsta Udarci Doseg Posebnosti orožja
meč oster 7-3 na blizu  
lok koničast 7-4 na daleč  


oster 0%
mrzel 0%
ognjen 0%
na daleč -10%
top 0%
koničast 0%

Terenski prikrojevalci

Teren Premikanje Obramba
Grad 1 60%
Vas 1 60%
Globoka voda 99 20%
Plitva voda 2 30%
Stepa 1 40%
Gozd 1 70%
Griči 2 50%
Gore 2 60%
Močvirje 2 40%
Pesek 2 40%
Jama 3 30%
Sneg 2 30%
Glivni gaj 2 50%
Brezno 99 20%

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