Saur liečiteľ

Úroveň 2


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Advance from: Saur šaman

Zdravie:29  Cena: 27  Kroky:Príslušnosť: chaos  Skúsenosti:150

Schopnosti: lieči

Saurians are known to have some strange skills, arts bordering on the magical and mysterious. It is clear that some of them are particularly skilled at a sort of medicine, which is of great benefit whenever battle is brought against them. The ranged attacks of this unit are magical, and always have a high chance of hitting an opponent. This unit is capable of healing those around it, and curing them of poison.


Meno Typ Údery Z diaľky Špeciálne
palica tupý 5-2 zblízka  
kliatba mráz 6-3 na diaľku magický 


sečný -10%
mráz -20%
oheň -20%
na diaľku 20%
tupý -10%
strelný 20%

Vplyv terénu

Terén Pohyb Obrana
Hrad 1 60%
Dedina 1 50%
Hlboká voda 99 20%
Plytká voda 3 40%
Lúka 1 40%
Les 2 60%
Kopce 1 60%
Hory 2 60%
Močiar 1 60%
Piesok 1 60%
Jaskyňa 1 60%
Sneh 4 30%
Hubový porast 1 60%
Trhlina 99 20%

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