
Úroveň 1


Povýši sa na: Lovec 

Advance from: Bojovník

Zdravie:32  Cena: 14  Kroky:Príslušnosť: chaos  Skúsenosti:29


Though not trained as warriors, the skills possessed by a hunter (especially those of archery) are useful in battle. Any group of soldiers or bandits travelling through the wild will need a few poachers in their employ, not merely for hunting but for lending a hand in any serious fight.
Because of their experience, these hunters are unusually capable at night, and in forests and swamps.


Meno Typ Údery Z diaľky Špeciálne
dýka sečný 3-2 zblízka  
luk strelný 4-4 na diaľku  


sečný 0%
mráz 0%
oheň 0%
na diaľku 20%
tupý 0%
strelný 0%

Vplyv terénu

Terén Pohyb Obrana
Hrad 1 60%
Dedina 1 60%
Hlboká voda 99 20%
Plytká voda 3 20%
Lúka 1 40%
Les 2 60%
Kopce 2 50%
Hory 3 60%
Močiar 2 50%
Piesok 2 30%
Jaskyňa 2 40%
Sneh 3 20%
Hubový porast 2 50%
Trhlina 99 20%

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