Trpaslík strážca

Úroveň 1


Povýši sa na: Trpaslík obranca 

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Zdravie:42  Cena: 19  Kroky:Príslušnosť: neutrál  Skúsenosti:47

Schopnosti: neoblomný

The dwarven race has always been famed for its sturdiness of build, and many of their warriors outfit themselves to take advantage of this. Dwarven guardsmen march into battle with tower shields and spears. Most often, their role is to hold the line, and to take a heavy toll on those who try to break it. As the line marches forward, they act to secure its hard-won advance. The steadiness of this unit reduces damage from some attacks, but only while defending.


Meno Typ Údery Z diaľky Špeciálne
kopija strelný 5-3 zblízka  
Oštepár strelný 5-1 na diaľku  


sečný 20%
mráz 10%
oheň 10%
na diaľku 10%
tupý 20%
strelný 20%

Vplyv terénu

Terén Pohyb Obrana
Hrad 1 60%
Dedina 1 50%
Hlboká voda 99 20%
Plytká voda 3 20%
Lúka 1 30%
Les 1 30%
Kopce 1 50%
Hory 1 60%
Močiar 3 20%
Piesok 1 30%
Jaskyňa 1 50%
Sneh 2 30%
Hubový porast 1 40%
Trhlina 99 20%

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