
レベル 3



クラスチェンジ元: 無法者

HP: 62  コスト:56  移動: 属性: 混沌  経験: 150

能力: 潜伏

Veteran criminals become notorious for both their ruthlessness and ability to elude capture. They can be dangerous and rightly fearful in their element, but are no match for the sheer numbers that law-abiding soldiery can throw at them. This unit can hide in villages (with the exception of water villages), and remain undetected by its enemies, except by those standing next to it.


名前 回数 範囲 特殊
メイス 打撃 11-2 格闘  
スリング 打撃 7-4 投射  


斬撃 -30%
冷気 0%
火炎 0%
神聖 20%
打撃 -20%
貫通 -20%


地形 移動 防御
1 70%
1 70%
深水 99 30%
浅瀬 2 40%
平原 1 60%
2 70%
2 70%
3 70%
沼地 2 40%
砂地 2 40%
洞窟 2 50%
雪原 2 40%
キノコの森 2 70%
深い割目 99 20%
