Troll Whelp

Nivel 1


Avanza a: Troll  Troll Rocklobber 

Advance from:

HP: 42  Custo: 13  Movementos: Aliñación: caótico  XP: 36

Habilidades: rexeneración

Describing a troll as a whelp is something of an oxymoron, given that their bodies are already much hardier than that of a grown man. They are clumsy and not yet capable of walking properly, forced instead to shamble about on all fours, but any difficulty this causes them is more than made up for by the raw strength of their race. This unit regenerates, which allows it to heal as though always stationed in a village.


Nome Tipo Ataque Alcance Especial
puñada impacto 7-2 corpo a corpo  


folla 20%
frío 0%
lume 0%
arcane -10%
impacto 0%
perforación 20%

Modificadores de Terreo

Terreo Movemento Defensa
Castelo 1 40%
Vila 1 40%
Auga Profunda 99 20%
Auga Superficial 2 20%
Prado 1 30%
Bosque 2 40%
Outeiros 1 50%
Montañas 2 60%
Braña 2 20%
Area 2 30%
Cova 1 40%
Neve 2 20%
Colonia de Cogomelos 2 50%
Abismo 99 20%

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