Orcish Ruler

Nivel 2


Avanza a: SOBERANO 

Advance from: Orco Líder

HP: 60  Custo: 35  Movementos: Aliñación: caótico  XP: 120

Habilidades: liderado

Any orc who can keep a large tribe from feuding and in-fighting is often unusually intelligent and commanding, and is inevitably very strong as well. They are skilled with both sword and bow, but their real talent lies in their rare ability to rally other orcs to battle, to give orders that are followed not out of fear, but loyalty. The leadership of this unit enables friendly units next to it to deal more damage in combat, though this only applies to units of lower level.


Nome Tipo Ataque Alcance Especial
espada grande, espadón folla 9-3 corpo a corpo  
arco perforación 6-3 a distancia  


folla 0%
frío 0%
lume 0%
arcane 0%
impacto 0%
perforación 0%

Modificadores de Terreo

Terreo Movemento Defensa
Castelo 1 60%
Vila 1 60%
Auga Profunda 99 20%
Auga Superficial 3 20%
Prado 1 40%
Bosque 2 50%
Outeiros 1 50%
Montañas 2 60%
Braña 3 30%
Area 2 30%
Cova 2 40%
Neve 3 20%
Colonia de Cogomelos 3 40%
Abismo 99 20%

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