Seigneur elfe

niveau 2


Évolue en : Haut seigneur elfe 

Évolue à partir de

PV : 51  Coût : 36  Déplacements : Alignement : neutre  XP : 120

Capacités :

The nobility of the elves are possessed of merit to match their standing in society. Elvish Lords are the wisest and strongest of their people, and are fearsome in their command of magic. The ranged attacks of this unit are magical, and always have a high chance of hitting an opponent. This unit's arcane attack deals tremendous damage to magical creatures, and even some to mundane creatures.


Nom Type Attaques Portée Spécial
épée tranchant 8-4 corps à corps  
feu féerique sacré 7-3 à distance magique 


tranchant 0%
froid 0%
feu 0%
sacré -10%
contondant 0%
perforant 0%

Modificateurs de Terrain

Terrain Mouvement Défense
Château 1 60%
Village 1 60%
Eau profonde 99 20%
Eau peu profonde 3 20%
Prairie 1 40%
Forêt 1 70%
Collines 2 50%
Montagnes 3 60%
Marais 2 30%
Sable 2 30%
Caverne 3 30%
Neige 2 30%
Forêt de champignons 2 50%
Abîme 99 20%

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