Elvish Lady

niveau 3


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PV : 30  Coût : 10  Déplacements : Alignement : neutre  XP : 150

Capacités :

Elves choose their leaders for their power and wisdom; foresight is what has protected them in times of uncertainty. Their just reign is rewarded by the unflagging fealty of their people, which is the greatest gift any ruler could ask for.


Nom Type Attaques Portée Spécial
arme factice contondant 1-1 corps à corps  


tranchant 0%
froid 0%
feu 0%
sacré 20%
contondant -20%
perforant 0%

Modificateurs de Terrain

Terrain Mouvement Défense
Château 1 50%
Village 1 50%
Eau profonde 1 50%
Eau peu profonde 1 50%
Prairie 1 50%
Forêt 1 50%
Collines 1 50%
Montagnes 1 50%
Marais 1 50%
Sable 1 50%
Caverne 3 20%
Neige 1 50%
Forêt de champignons 3 30%
Abîme 1 50%

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