Nain indéfectible

niveau 2


Évolue en : Sentinelle naine 

Évolue à partir de Garde nain

PV : 54  Coût : 32  Déplacements : Alignement : neutre  XP : 85

Capacités : inébranlable

The wiles of experience and training turn guardsmen into worthy soldiers. These stalwart troops are equipped to match their skills, and can hold their ground against all but the most visceral assault. It is a dangerous thing to lose a foothold to one such as these, for it will not be easily reprised. The steadiness of this unit reduces damage from some attacks, but only while defending.


Nom Type Attaques Portée Spécial
lance perforant 7-3 corps à corps  
javelot perforant 8-1 à distance  


tranchant 20%
froid 10%
feu 10%
sacré 10%
contondant 20%
perforant 20%

Modificateurs de Terrain

Terrain Mouvement Défense
Château 1 60%
Village 1 50%
Eau profonde 99 20%
Eau peu profonde 3 20%
Prairie 1 40%
Forêt 1 40%
Collines 1 50%
Montagnes 1 60%
Marais 3 20%
Sable 1 40%
Caverne 1 50%
Neige 2 30%
Forêt de champignons 1 40%
Abîme 99 20%

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