Dragoi eskeletikoa

Maila 4


Hurrengo unitatea:

Hurrengo unitatea:

BP: 86  Mugimenduak:100  Mugimenduak:Lerrokatzea: kaotikoa  EP: 150


Long ago one of the mightiest living creatures, the feared Dragon has become only bones and dark sinew. Long after its death, it was raised through the dark powers of necromancy, which it now serves. The Skeletal Dragon may look like nothing more than a pile of bones, but few people who thought that way lived long enough to change their minds. During battle, this unit can drain life from victims to renew its own health.


Izena Mota Atakatu Distantzia Berezia
matraila Heriotz ezpata 10-4 buruz buru odolxurgapena 
atzaparrak Heriotz ezpata 25-2 buruz buru  


Heriotz ezpata 40%
hotz 60%
su 0%
urrutira 0%
kolpea -20%
Tranpa jartzailea 60%

Lursail modifikatzaileak

Lursaila Mugimendua Defentsa
Gaztelua 1 50%
Herrixka 1 50%
Ur sakona 1 50%
Azaletako ura 1 50%
Zelaia 1 50%
Basoa 1 50%
Medilerroak 1 50%
Mendiak 1 50%
Padura 1 50%
Hondarra 1 50%
Leizea 1 40%
Elurra 1 50%
Mushroom Grove 1 50%
Chasm 1 50%

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