Isileko ehiztaria

Maila 1


Hurrengo unitatea: Tranpa jartzailea 

Hurrengo unitatea: Ezpatagizona

BP: 32  Mugimenduak:14  Mugimenduak:Lerrokatzea: kaotikoa  EP: 29


Though not trained as warriors, the skills possessed by a hunter (especially those of archery) are useful in battle. Any group of soldiers or bandits travelling through the wild will need a few poachers in their employ, not merely for hunting but for lending a hand in any serious fight.
Because of their experience, these hunters are unusually capable at night, and in forests and swamps.


Izena Mota Atakatu Distantzia Berezia
daga Heriotz ezpata 3-2 buruz buru  
bailesta Tranpa jartzailea 4-4 urrutira  


Heriotz ezpata 0%
hotz 0%
su 0%
urrutira 20%
kolpea 0%
Tranpa jartzailea 0%

Lursail modifikatzaileak

Lursaila Mugimendua Defentsa
Gaztelua 1 60%
Herrixka 1 60%
Ur sakona 99 20%
Azaletako ura 3 20%
Zelaia 1 40%
Basoa 2 60%
Medilerroak 2 50%
Mendiak 3 60%
Padura 2 50%
Hondarra 2 30%
Leizea 2 40%
Elurra 3 20%
Mushroom Grove 2 50%
Chasm 99 20%

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