Elvish Lady

Maila 3


Hurrengo unitatea:

Hurrengo unitatea:

BP: 30  Mugimenduak:10  Mugimenduak:Lerrokatzea: neutrala  EP: 150


Elves choose their leaders for their power and wisdom; foresight is what has protected them in times of uncertainty. Their just reign is rewarded by the unflagging fealty of their people, which is the greatest gift any ruler could ask for.


Izena Mota Atakatu Distantzia Berezia
txotxoloa kolpea 1-1 buruz buru  


Heriotz ezpata 0%
hotz 0%
su 0%
urrutira 20%
kolpea -20%
Tranpa jartzailea 0%

Lursail modifikatzaileak

Lursaila Mugimendua Defentsa
Gaztelua 1 50%
Herrixka 1 50%
Ur sakona 1 50%
Azaletako ura 1 50%
Zelaia 1 50%
Basoa 1 50%
Medilerroak 1 50%
Mendiak 1 50%
Padura 1 50%
Hondarra 1 50%
Leizea 3 20%
Elurra 1 50%
Mushroom Grove 3 30%
Chasm 1 50%

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