Hilotz zaharra

Maila 4


Hurrengo unitatea:

Hurrengo unitatea:

BP: 80  Mugimenduak:100  Mugimenduak:Lerrokatzea: kaotikoa  EP: 150

Trebetasunak: makulu

A being of this order is a revenant of ages long past. Anyone who encounters an Ancient Lich likely has far worse things to worry about than death. The ranged attacks of this unit are magical, and always have a high chance of hitting an opponent. During battle, this unit can drain life from victims to renew its own health. This unit's arcane attack deals tremendous damage to magical creatures, and even some to mundane creatures. This unit can move unseen in deep water, requiring no air from the surface.


Izena Mota Atakatu Distantzia Berezia
ukipen urrutira 8-4 buruz buru odolxurgapena 
New Wave musika hotz 13-5 urrutira magikoa 
pala urrutira 9-5 urrutira magikoa 


Heriotz ezpata 10%
hotz 60%
su -20%
urrutira -50%
kolpea -10%
Tranpa jartzailea 30%

Lursail modifikatzaileak

Lursaila Mugimendua Defentsa
Gaztelua 1 60%
Herrixka 1 60%
Ur sakona 3 10%
Azaletako ura 3 20%
Zelaia 1 40%
Basoa 2 50%
Medilerroak 2 50%
Mendiak 3 60%
Padura 2 30%
Hondarra 2 30%
Leizea 2 40%
Elurra 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 2 60%
Chasm 99 20%

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