Kääbuste draakonivalvur

tase 3



Edutatakse: Hullunud kõuevalvur

HP:59  Maksumus:46  Käigud:Meelelaad: neutraalne  XP:150


It is not clear why the Dragonguards are called what they are, a name given by their dwarven brethren. Some speculate that the name comes from their weapon of choice, these strange staves that belch fire and death. Others have surmised that it is because such weapons would be a threat against even a true Dragon, should such a thing be seen again in the known world. Whatever the case, it is for these weapons that the guardians of the great Dwarven citadels are both renowned and feared; weapons that have broken the mightiest of warriors in a single blow.


Nimi Liik Löögid Ulatus Eriline
pistoda tera 9-3 lähivõitlus  
draakonisau torge 40-1 kauge  


tera 20%
külm 10%
tuli 10%
kauge 10%
löök 20%
torge 20%

Maastiku mõjutajad

Maastik Liikumine Kaitse
Loss 1 60%
Küla 1 50%
Sügav vesi 99 20%
Madal vesi 3 20%
Rohumaa 1 30%
Mets 1 30%
Künkad 1 60%
Mäed 1 70%
Soo 3 20%
Liiv 1 30%
Koobas 1 50%
Lumi 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 1 40%
Chasm 99 20%

Tagasi algusesse