Lluitador elf

Nivell 3


Alvança a:

Alvança a: Senyor nan

PV:63  Cost: 60  Moviments: Alineació: neutral  PE:100


The leaders of the elves do not fall sallow and frail with age. Rather, it is then that they grow to their true potential. Quiet and contemplative in times of peace, a High Lord in the full of his wrath is an awesome sight indeed. The ranged attacks of this unit are magical, and always have a high chance of hitting an opponent.

unit help^Attacks

Nom Tipo Colps Alcanç Especial
espasa talla 10-4 melé  
foc de fada distància 7-5 distància màgic 


talla 0%
fred 0%
foc 0%
distància -10%
impacta 0%
perfora 0%

Modificadors de terreny

Terreny Moviment Defensa
Castell 1 60%
Aldea 1 60%
Aigües fondes 99 20%
Aigües someres 3 20%
Praderia 1 40%
Bosc 1 70%
Tossals 2 50%
Montanyes 3 60%
Pantà 2 30%
Arena 2 30%
Cova 3 30%
Neu 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 2 50%
Chasm 99 20%

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