Dwergse Staatmaker

Vlak 2


Bevorder na: Dwergse Wag 

Bevorder na: Dwergse Wag

LP: 54  Skuiwe: 32  Skuiwe: Orde: neutraal  EP: 85

Vermoëns: standvastig

The wiles of experience and training turn guardsmen into worthy soldiers. These stalwart troops are equipped to match their skills, and can hold their ground against all but the most visceral assault. It is a dangerous thing to lose a foothold to one such as these, for it will not be easily reprised. The steadiness of this unit reduces damage from some attacks, but only while defending.

unit help^Attacks

Naam Tipe Trefhoue Afstand Spesiaal
spies steek 7-3 nabygeveg  
Spiesgooier steek 8-1 afstandgeveg  


lem 20%
koue 10%
vuur 10%
afstandgeveg 10%
impak 20%
steek 20%


Terrein Beweging Verdediging
Kasteel 1 60%
Dorpie 1 50%
Diep Water 99 20%
Vlak Water 3 20%
Graslande 1 40%
Woud 1 40%
Heuwels 1 50%
Berge 1 60%
Moeras 3 20%
Sand 1 40%
Grot 1 50%
Sneeu 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 1 40%
Chasm 99 20%

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