ملازم مخضرم


Once inexperienced, Gweddry is now a veteran of many battles. His cunning and tactical skill enable him to direct even the freshest of recruits to strike strategically and emerge victorious. His skill with the longsword and crossbow is not to be underestimated either, nor is the speed with which he can move despite his heavy armor.



Advances from: ملازم حدود
Advances to: قائد مخضرم
Cost: 54
HP: 55
Moves: 6
XP: 180
المستوى: 3
التوجه: نهاري
Id: Veteran Lieutenant
Abilities: قيادي

Attacks (damage × count)

(image)سيف طويل(blade attack) قاطع9 × 4(melee attack) إلتحام
(image)قوس مركّب(fire attack) ناري10 × 2(ranged attack) عن بعد


(icon) قاطع10% (icon) مخترق10%
(icon) صادم10% (icon) ناري0%
(icon) بارد0% (icon) سحري10%


TerrainMovement CostDefense
(icon) تلال250%
(icon) جبال360%
(icon) حجاب مزيف0%
(icon) رمل230%
(icon) شعاب مرجانية ساحلية230%
(icon) غابة250%
(icon) غير قابل للمشي0%
(icon) فطر250%
(icon) قرية160%
(icon) قلعة160%
(icon) كهف240%
(icon) متجمد320%
(icon) مستنقع320%
(icon) مستوي140%
(icon) مياه ضحلة320%
(icon) مياه عميقة0%
Last updated on Fri Sep 27 02:17:59 2024.