- CampaignCampaign
- Units
- Battle Training
- Dead Water
- Delfador’s Memoirs
- Descent into Darkness
- Eastern Invasion
- Heir to the Throne
- Liberty
- Northern Rebirth
- Secrets of the Ancients
- Son of the Black-Eye
- The Hammer of Thursagan
- The Rise of Wesnoth
- The Sceptre of Fire
- The South Guard
- Under the Burning Suns
- Winds of Fate
- A New Order
- A Song of Fire
- Alas, Paragon
- An Orcish Incursion (The Rework)
- Ashen Hearts
- Assault on the Citadel
- Bad Moon Rising Part I: Awakening (Prologue)
- Bad Moon Rising Part II: Out of the North
- Bad Moon Rising Part III: Crossfire
- Born to Live
- Confederacy of Swamp Creatures: Big Battle 1
- Confederacy of Swamp Creatures: Big Battle 2
- Crin of Crenlyn
- Custodians of the Ethereal Paths
- Dream in the Sand
- Dungeons of Wesnoth
- Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
- Eastern Invasion, Revised
- Epic Between the Tides
- Epical
- Five Fates
- Flight to Freedom
- Frogfolk Delivery Service
- Genesis Episode I
- Horn of Faith
- Introduction to the Pack of TDM Project
- Introduction to the Pack of TDM Project
- Introduction to the Pack of TDM Project
- Introduction to the Pack of TDM Project
- Leafsea Burning
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Marbus' Escape
- Merry Christmas
- Nightfall Bastion
- Reconquest of Heaven
- Rustling in the Wind
- Sanctuary
- Scenario With Robots
- Sepulchre of Elran
- Steel and Fire
- Strange Legacy
- Struggle For Freedom
- The Bees Journey
- The Pool of Ek
- To Lands Unknown
- Trapped
- Under the Burning Suns But Better
- Xalzar Quest
- EraEra
- A New Land Era
- Age of Trials
- Age of Trials + Default
- Ageless Era
- Ageless Heroes
- Ageless RPG Era
- Archaic Era
- Archaic Era - Extended
- Clash of the Lords
- Core Legends Era
- DMM: Drops
- DMM: Shops
- DMM: The Settlers
- DMMH: Drops
- DMMH: Shops
- Default + Aragwaithi
- Default + Deep Elves
- Default + Nightmares of Meloen
- Default + Quenoth Elves (UtBS)
- Default + Southern
- Default + Southern heroes
- Default + Steelhive
- Default RPG
- Default plus Infernal
- Empowered Legends Era
- Era of Magic
- Era of Magic (Age of Heroes)
- Era of Magic (Masters)
- Era of Magic (RPG)
- Era of Magic (RPG) (unbalanced)
- Era with Robots
- Everfell Era
- Everfell Era + Default
- Everfell Era RPG
- Everfell Heroes
- Everfell Heroes + AoH
- Evolves Era
- Halfelven:Citizens [♕lvl1 ♙lvl0]
- Halfelven:Courageous [♕lvl2 ♙lvl1]
- Halfelven:Heroes [♕lvl3 ♙lvl2]
- Lonely Era
- Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Lonely Era Heroes
- Lonely Era Heroes + Age of Heroes + Black Tide Heroes
- Lonely Era RPG
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of the Lords
- Royal Rumble Lvl 2
- Southern only
- Tune
- UR Advanced
- UR Extended
- UR Standard
- UR Ultimate
- War of Legends Era
- War of Legends RPG
- RaceRace
- all
- Abstractions
- Altaris
- Amazons
- Anakes
- Ancient Phantoms
- Ancient Spirits
- Angels
- Animals
- Aquana
- Aragwaithi
- Arendians
- Avatars
- Avians
- Bats
- Bears
- Blight
- Blood Elves
- Brungar
- Calydonian Humans
- Cavernei
- Celestials
- Centaurs
- Ceresians
- Clockwork Dwarves
- Cornurs
- Crocodiles
- Cult
- Cuttlefish
- Cyclopes
- Dalefolk
- Dark Elves
- Darkelves
- Darklanders
- Deep Elves
- Demons
- Despair
- Devlings
- Djinni
- Drakes
- Dryads
- Dunefolk
- Dwarves
- Dwarves (Rashy Era)
- Elementals
- Eltireans
- Elves
- Elvish Spirits
- Elyser
- Emperors Guard
- Enchanters
- Equestrians
- Faeries
- Falcons
- Fanatics
- Free Saurians
- Freemen
- Frozen Golem
- Frozen Humans
- Gargoyles
- Giants
- Gnolls
- Gnomes
- Goblins
- Gryphons
- Harpies
- High Elves
- Highlanders
- Hivebrood
- Horses
- Humans
- Humans (Rashy Era)
- Imperialists
- Imps
- Infernai
- Issaelfr
- Khthon
- Lavinians
- Machines
- Magical
- Magnellians
- Marauders
- Mechanical
- Mercenaries
- Merfolk
- Minotaurs
- Monsters
- Mutants
- Nagas
- Natives
- Nemidians
- Nordhris
- Northern Orcs
- Offworld Creature
- Ogres
- Oracles
- Orcei Gladiatores
- Orcs
- Orderlings
- Pirates
- Primevals
- Pygmies
- Rashy
- Ravens
- Refugees
- Rocs
- Roswellians
- Salamanders
- Saurians
- Shaxthals
- Sidhe
- Slavers
- South-Sea Humans
- Spirits
- Statesmen
- Steelhive Robots
- Tharis
- Thelians
- Therian Humans
- Treefolk
- Tribalist
- Trolls
- Ukian Dogs
- Ukians
- Undead
- Undead (Rashy Era)
- Vampires
- Vikings
- Vixens
- Wargs
- Welkin
- Whities
- Wind Elementals
- Windsong Humans
- Wisps
- Wolves
- Wood Warriors
- Woses
- Wyrms
- Yokai Feyborn
- Yokai Nymphs
- Yokai Obake
- Yokai Poltergeists
- Yokai Surgler
- the Fallen
- Abstractions
- AltarisAltaris
- Ancient Warrior
- Arcane Warrior
- Cerberus
- Chosen
- Conjurer
- Conjurer (Illusion)
- First Sword
- Illusionist
- Illusionist (Illusion)
- Land Mage
- Light Scout
- Lord of Earth
- Mage of Earth
- Master at Arms
- Master of Illusion
- Master of Illusion (Illusion)
- Pegasus Master
- Pegasus Rider
- Primeval Warrior
- Stone Warrior
- Sword Brother
- Truehearted
- Amazons
- Anakes
- Ancient Phantoms
- Ancient Spirits
- Angels
- Animals
- AquanaAquana
- Blue Mage
- Aquana Bowman
- Aquana Fisherman
- Fullmoon Mage
- Atlantis General
- Aquana Spearguard
- Aquana Harpuuneer
- Mage of the blue element
- Aquana Hoplite
- Atlantis Knight
- Aquana Longbowman
- Aquamancer
- Aquana Master Bowman
- Aquana Mercenary
- Newmoon Mage
- Aquana Retiarius
- Aquana Mercenary Rider
- Aquana Mercenary Scout
- Aquana Heavy Swordsman
- Aquana Swordsman
- Aragwaithi
- Arendians
- Avatars
- AviansAvians
- Archer
- Armorpiercer
- Bladewing
- Bombardier
- Bowflurry
- Broadwing
- Crow
- Daredevil
- Dart
- Diamondbeak
- Divebomber
- Dove
- Dreadnought
- Eagle Eye
- Egglayer
- Falcon
- Floater
- Grounded
- Hawkeye
- Hummingbird
- Ironbeak
- Jackdaw
- Mother
- Nestguard
- Nightwing
- Owl
- Passer
- Pigeon
- Raven
- Razorwing
- Rocket
- Savior
- Shell
- Sitter
- Skylord
- Skyterror
- Sparrow
- Steelbeak
- Watchman
- Winged Baron
- Bats
- Bears
- Blight
- Blood Elves
- BrungarBrungar
- Alligator Rider
- Amateur Tamer
- Apothecary
- Council Elder
- Council Member
- Crocodile Rider
- Crystal Master
- Dwarvish Hunter
- Dwarvish HuntsMaster
- Dwarvish Huntsman
- Experienced Tamer
- Expert Tamer
- Harpoon Guard
- Harpoon Specialist
- Harpoonier
- Herbalist
- Herbicider
- High Council Elder
- High Council Member
- Ice Apprentice
- Ocean Apprentice
- Practitioner
- Toxin Specialist
- Undecided Student
- Wave Master
- Wave Rider
- Calydonian Humans
- Cavernei
- Celestials
- CentaursCentaurs
- Angelican
- Apprentice
- Arch-Priestess
- Archer
- Captain
- Chaser
- Divine
- Elite
- Enchantress
- Fighter
- Guard
- Guardian
- Huntress
- Javelinier
- Patrol
- Pegasus
- Priestess
- Ranger
- Retriever
- Seductress
- Sentinel
- Spear Fighter
- Spearmaiden
- Warden
- Warrior
- Centaur Archer
- Augur of Hoofs
- Centaur Composite
- Centaur Fighter
- Centaur Heroic
- Knight of Hoofs
- Lancer of Hoofs
- Mystic of Hoofs
- Oracle of Hoofs
- Paladin of Hoofs
- Centaur Sharpshooter
- Centaur Warrior
- CeresiansCeresians
- Acolyte
- Arbalestier
- Cavaliero
- Cavalryman
- Champion
- Condottiero
- Corporal
- Crossbowman
- Deacon
- Espadachino
- Halberdier
- Knight Commander
- Knight Errant
- Knight Raetian
- Lieutenant
- Man-at-Arms
- Master Arbalestier
- Metropolitan
- Monk
- Monsignor
- Mounted Crossbowman
- Mounted Infantryman
- Novice
- Order Knight
- Pellegrino
- Pikeman
- Rodelero
- Squire
- Stradioto
- Yeoman
- Clockwork Dwarves
- Cornurs
- Crocodiles
- Cult
- Cuttlefish
- Cyclopes
- Dalefolk
- Dark Elves
- DarkelvesDarkelves
- Dark Archer
- Darkelf Assassin
- Bloodpriest
- Dark Guard
- Dark Priest
- Dark Rider
- Master Assassin
- Assassin Grandmaster
- Dark Maceman
- Shadow Archer
- Nighteye
- Princess of the Night
- Moon Rider
- Nightshadow
- Shadow General
- Crescent Warrior
- Shadow Priest
- Shadow Princess
- Shadow Rider
- Shadow Warrior
- Dark Spearman
- Spider Priest
- Darkelf Summoner
- Darkelf Thief
- Black Trooper
- Darklanders
- Deep Elves
- Demons
- Despair
- Devlings
- Djinni
- Drakes
- Dryads
- DunefolkDunefolk
- Dune Alchemist
- Dune Apothecary
- Dune Blademaster
- Dune Burner
- Dune Captain
- Dune Cataphract
- Dune Explorer
- Dune Falconer
- Dune Firetrooper
- Dune Harrier
- Dune Herbalist
- Dune Horse Archer
- Dune Luminary
- Dune Marauder
- Dune Paragon
- Dune Raider
- Dune Rider
- Dune Rover
- Dune Scorcher
- Dune Skirmisher
- Dune Sky Hunter
- Dune Soldier
- Dune Spearguard
- Dune Spearmaster
- Dune Strider
- Dune Sunderer
- Dune Swordsman
- Dune Warmaster
- Dune Wayfarer
- Dune Windbolt
- DwarvesDwarves
- Dwarvish Arcanister
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Flamethrower
- Gyrocopter
- Dwarvish Runemaster
- Dwarvish Runesmith
- Steamcopter
- Steamwheel
- Dwarvish Thunderer
- Thunderwheel
- Warwheel
- Constructor
- Constructor
- Dwarvish Cadet
- Dwarvish Cadet
- Dwarvish Cannoneer
- Dwarvish Commando
- Dwarvish Commando
- Dwarvish Gunner
- Dwarvish Veteran
- Dwarvish Veteran
- Dwarvish Rune Lord
- Dwarvish Rune Lord
- Dwarvish Runic Warrior
- Dwarvish Runic Warrior
- Dwarvish Warrior
- Dwarvish Warrior
- Mechanic
- Mechanic
- Parachutist
- Rune Artist
- Rune Artist
- Rune Adept
- Rune Adept
- Runemaster
- Runemaster
- Runesmith
- Runesmith
- Technician
- Technician
- Technocrat
- Technologist
- Trench Sweeper
- Dwarvish Arblaster
- Dwarvish Armorer
- Dwarvish Charger
- Dwarvish Compounder
- Dwarvish Crossbowman
- Dwarvish Defender
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Guard
- Dwarvish Linebreaker
- Dwarvish Repeater
- Dwarvish Runefighter
- Dwarvish Runewarrior
- Dwarvish Rusher
- Dwarvish Shieldman
- Dwarvish Smith
- Dwarvish Arcanister
- Dwarvish Berserker
- Dwarvish Dragonguard
- Dwarvish Explorer
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Guardsman
- Dwarvish Lord
- Dwarvish Miner
- Dwarvish Pathfinder
- Dwarvish Runemaster
- Dwarvish Runesmith
- Dwarvish Scout
- Dwarvish Sentinel
- Dwarvish Stalwart
- Dwarvish Steelclad
- Dwarvish Thunderer
- Dwarvish Thunderguard
- Dwarvish Ulfserker
- Dwarves (Rashy Era)Dwarves (Rashy Era)
- Bartender
- Brewmaster
- Elementarist
- Dwarvish Engineer
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Guardsman
- Dwarvish Lizardknight
- Dwarvish Lizardrider
- Dwarvish Lizardscout
- Dwarvish Lord
- Dwarvish Miner
- Runeadept
- Dwarvish Runeknight
- Runemage
- Dwarvish Sentinel
- Dwarvish Stalwart
- Dwarvish Steelclad
- Dwarvish War Engineer
- Dwarvish Forest Crossbowman
- Dwarvish Forest Cutter
- Dwarvish Forest Greataxe
- Dwarvish Forest Lumberjack
- Dwarvish Forest Rapidfire
- Dwarvish Forest Sniper
- Dwarvish Forest Tinkerer
- Dwarvish Forest Waraxe
- Dwarvish Forest Warrior
- Elementals
- EltireansEltireans
- Archbishop of Eltire
- Bishop of Eltire
- Calmblade
- Crusher
- Dawnbringer
- Destroyer
- Disciple of Eltire
- Elementalist
- Frostwalker
- Fury
- Glory Seeker
- Guardian of the Sun
- Hydromancer
- Hydromonger
- Infernal Master
- Knight Errant
- Knight of the Sun
- Lady o`War
- Lightbringer
- Patrol Captain
- Pyromancer
- Raging Mistress
- Siren
- Sky Captain
- Sky Lord
- Temptress
- Whirlpool Lord
- ElvesElves
- Desert Archer
- Desert Avenger
- Desert Captain
- Desert Champion
- Desert Druid
- Desert Fighter
- Desert Hero
- Desert Horseman
- Desert Hunter
- Desert Marksman
- Desert Marshal
- Moon Enchantress
- Moon Priestess
- Desert Mystic
- Desert Outrider
- Desert Prowler
- Desert Ranger
- Desert Rider
- Desert Scout
- Desert Sentinel
- Desert Shaman
- Desert Sharpshooter
- Desert Shyde
- Desert Star
- Sun Enchantress
- Sun Priestess
- Dust Whirlwind
- Dust Faerie
- Dust Twist
- Dust Vengeance
- Quenoth Archer
- Quenoth Assassin
- Quenoth Blazebow
- Quenoth Captain
- Quenoth Chieftain
- Quenoth Flarebow
- High Priestess
- Quenoth Horseman
- Quenoth Hunter
- Life Mage
- Quenoth Lurker
- Quenoth Marksman
- Moon Enchantress
- Moon Priestess
- Quenoth Mystic
- Prophetess
- Quenoth Ravager
- Quenoth Rider
- Quenoth Sand Dasher
- Quenoth Seeker
- Quenoth Sharpshooter
- Quenoth Stalker
- Sun Enchantress
- Sun Priestess
- Quenoth Warrior
- Quenoth Wayfarer
- Elvish Acolyte
- Elvish Ascetic
- Elvish Avatar
- Elvish Mystic
- Elvish Archer
- Elvish Avenger
- Elvish Captain
- Elvish Champion
- Elvish Druid
- Elvish Enchantress
- Elvish Fighter
- Elvish Hero
- Elvish High Lord
- Elvish Lady
- Elvish Lord
- Elvish Marksman
- Elvish Marshal
- Elvish Outrider
- Elvish Ranger
- Elvish Rider
- Elvish Scout
- Elvish Shaman
- Elvish Sharpshooter
- Elvish Shyde
- Elvish Sorceress
- Elvish Sylph
- Elvish Spirits
- Elyser
- Emperors Guard
- EnchantersEnchanters
- Apocalyptic
- Arcane Rune Splicer
- Arcane Rune Transcriber
- Armorer
- Arsenal
- Blazier
- Clearbow
- Rune Splicer
- Crystalbow
- Cursedhand
- Cursedsword
- Devilhand
- Rune Elementalist
- Enchanter
- Fabricator
- Featherlite
- Forge
- Hotshot
- Ice Rune Improver
- Incinerator
- Powermad
- Reductor
- Rune Apprentice
- Rune Fire Specialist
- Rune Mage
- Rune Master
- Rune Purist
- Sacrificier
- Sellsoul
- Stockpiler
- Titan
- Equestrians
- Faeries
- Falcons
- Fanatics
- Free SauriansFree Saurians
- Saurian Assassin
- Saurian Brave
- Saurian Champion
- Saurian Duelist
- Saurian Elementalist
- Saurian Fighter
- Saurian Gladiator
- Saurian Healer
- Saurian Hero
- Saurian Holy
- Saurian Ice Lord
- Saurian Knife Thrower
- Lizard Master
- Lizard Rider
- Saurian Mage
- Saurian Mystic
- Saurian Sage
- Saurian Shockfrost
- Saurian Skirmisher
- Saurian Skulker
- Saurian Soulmage
- Swamp Fighter
- Swamp Guard
- Swamp Margrave
- Swamp Saurian
- Swamp Warrior
- Saurian Trainee
- Saurian Warchief
- Saurian Warrior
- Freemen
- Frozen Golem
- Frozen Humans
- Gargoyles
- Giants
- Gnolls
- Gnomes
- GoblinsGoblins
- Frost Goblin
- Goblin Drummer
- Goblin Spearman
- Marabou Stork
- Stork Master
- Flanker
- Hunter
- Striker
- Goblin Archer
- Goblin Assassin
- Goblin Assassin
- Goblin Druid
- Goblin Druid
- Goblin Hunter
- Goblin Hunter
- Goblin Invader
- Goblin Kamikaze
- Goblin Raider
- Goblin Runt
- Goblin Shaman
- Goblin Shaman
- Goblin Sniper
- Goblin Veteran
- Goblin Warbanner
- Goblin Warrior
- Goblin Wizard
- Goblin Wizard
- Goblin Impaler
- Goblin Rouser
- Goblin Spearman
- Gryphons
- Harpies
- High Elves
- HighlandersHighlanders
- Amputator
- Axe Thrower
- Bagplayer
- Barbarian
- Barfighter
- Bartap
- Behemoth
- Coldturkey
- Combatmedic
- Contestant
- Drunkard
- Fieldmedic
- Forester
- Gamekeeper
- Giant
- Hatchet Thrower
- Highlander
- Hulk
- Lumberjack
- Nord
- Odin
- Pilferer
- Pipeman
- Plunderer
- Rocklauncher
- Sober
- Stonethrower
- Thor
- Valkyrie
- Valkyrie Princess
- Valkyrie Warrior
- Viking
- Warpipe
- Wildman
- Woodsman
- Hivebrood
- Horses
- HumansHumans
- Advanced Crossbowman
- Berserker
- Bowman
- Cavalier
- Champion
- Crossbowman
- Crusher
- Deathmaster
- Elite Gunner
- Fighter
- Guardian
- Gunner
- Halberdier
- Heavy Longbowman
- Knight
- Longbowman
- Longswordsman
- Pillager
- Raider
- Soldier
- Spearman
- Terror
- Trooper
- Warrior
- Azure Mage
- Blue Engineer
- Blue Machinist
- Blue Mage
- Blue Novice
- Tower Captain
- Tower Dancer
- Tower Ladyboy
- Tower Madam
- Tower Servant
- Tower Watchman
- Primevalist Brightshield
- Primevalist Celebrant
- Primevalist Fanatic
- Primevalist Fighter
- Primevalist Follower
- Primevalist Leader
- Primevalist Monk
- Primevalist Prior
- Primevalist Sun-Shield
- Northern Fighter
- Northern Ranger
- Northern Soldier
- Northern Warrior
- Constable
- Northern Fire-Knight
- Northern Herdsman
- Northern Rider
- Sheriff
- Northern Spotter
- Vassal
- Cataphract
- Chaos Cavalier
- Doom Guard
- Chaos Gunner
- Headhunter
- Hell Guardian
- Chaos Invader
- Chaos Invoker
- Knight of Chaos
- Chaos Lorekeeper
- Chaos Magus
- Marauder
- Chaos Marksman
- Chaos Pillager
- Chaos Raider
- Chaos Razerman
- Chaos Sharpshooter
- Soulhunter
- Master of Earth
- Master of Fire
- Master of Water
- Master of Wind
- Initiate
- Summoner of Earth
- Summoner of Fire
- Summoner of Water
- Summoner of Wind
- Archer
- Ambusher
- Bandit Fighter
- Crossbowman
- Crusher
- Dark Rider
- Dread Rider
- Forester
- Horseman
- Knight
- Noble
- Rogue Mage
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Mage
- Smasher
- Soldier
- Blood Knight
- Dark Knight
- Demonologist
- Doom Guard
- Headhunter
- Hell Guardian
- Invader
- Invoker
- Magus
- Marauder
- Overlord
- Soulhunter
- Archwitch
- Brigand
- Cunning Woman
- Outlaw Princess
- Outlaw Queen
- Raider
- Rogue Mage
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Mage
- Outlaw Witch
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Cleric
- Cleric
- Architect
- Architect
- Avenger
- Avenger
- Banisher
- Banisher
- Battle Mage
- Battle Mage
- Black Mage
- Black Mage
- Bronze Warrior
- Bronze Warrior
- Camel Master
- Camel Rider
- Carpet Master
- Carpet Master
- Carpet Rider
- Carpet Rider
- Cavalry Archer
- Cavalry Archer
- Child of Light
- Child of Light
- Chronomancer
- Chronomancer
- Bishop
- Bishop
- Dispeller
- Dispeller
- Divine Executor
- Elemental Archer
- Elemental Archer
- Elementalist
- Elementalist
- Fanatic
- Fire Priestess
- Fire Priestess
- Fire Swordsman
- Fire Templar
- Fire Templar
- Golden Mage
- Golden Mage
- Golden Warrior
- Golden Warrior
- Grand Summoner
- Grand Summoner
- Guru of Magic
- Guru of Magic
- Elite Camel Rider
- Heavy Cavalry
- Heavy Cavalry
- Heavy Summoner
- Heavy Summoner
- Hidden Face
- Hidden Face
- Inspired
- Inspired
- Grand Kharosian Warbanner
- Kharos War Banner
- Kharosian Bulwark
- Kharosian Bulwark
- Kharosian Cataphract
- Kharosian Cataphract
- Kharosian Impaler
- Kharosian Impaler
- Kharosian Javelineer
- Kharosian Javelineer
- Kharosian Legionnaire
- Kharosian Legionnaire
- Kirios
- Kirios
- Aeromancer
- Aeromancer
- Pyromancer
- Pyromancer
- Hydromancer
- Hydromancer
- Master of Air
- Master of Air
- Master of Earth
- Master of Earth
- Master of Elements
- Master of Elements
- Solar Master
- Solar Master
- Master of Water
- Master of Water
- Master Mage
- Master Mage
- Mirrorshield
- Mirrorshield
- Mistress of Light
- Mistress of Light
- Mystic Warrior
- Mystic Warrior
- Mystical Archer
- Mystical Archer
- Neutral Summoner
- Neutral Summoner
- Novice Summoner
- Novice Summoner
- Platinum Warrior
- Prophet of Light
- Prophet of Light
- Hoplite
- Hoplite
- Recruitment Officer
- Recruitment Officer
- Sculptor
- Sculptor
- Shadow Mage
- Shielder
- Shielder
- Silver Warrior
- Silver Warrior
- Sister of Light
- Sister of Light
- Sky Guardian
- Sky Guardian
- Slicer
- Sorcerer
- Sorcerer
- Subversive Mage
- Subversive Mage
- Summoner
- Summoner
- Summons Master
- Summons Master
- Sun Follower
- Sun Follower
- Solar Guardian
- Solar Guardian
- Terramancer
- Terramancer
- Void Mage
- Void Mage
- War Mage
- War Mage
- White Warrior
- White Warrior
- Blood Hunter
- Bounty Hunter
- Soul Hunter
- Arcane Archer
- Auxiliary
- Desperado
- Diu Bowmaiden
- Diu Bowmistress
- Diu Keenshot
- Dreadlord
- Eventide Alchemist
- Eventide Herbalist
- Eventide Poisoner
- Guardian of Noct
- Lineman
- Madcap
- Mariner
- Navigator
- Noct Macelord
- Noct Maceman
- Swabbie
- Arch Mage
- Assassin
- Bandit
- Bowman
- Cavalier
- Cavalryman
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Dragoon
- Duelist
- Elder Mage
- Fencer
- Footpad
- Fugitive
- General
- Grand Knight
- Grand Marshal
- Great Mage
- Halberdier
- Heavy Infantryman
- Highwayman
- Horseman
- Huntsman
- Iron Mauler
- Javelineer
- Knight
- Lancer
- Lieutenant
- Longbowman
- Mage
- Mage of Light
- Master Bowman
- Master at Arms
- Necromancer
- Outlaw
- Paladin
- Peasant
- Pikeman
- Poacher
- Ranger
- Red Mage
- Rogue
- Royal Guard
- Royal Warrior
- Ruffian
- Sergeant
- Shock Trooper
- Silver Mage
- Spearman
- Swordsman
- Thief
- Thug
- Trapper
- White Mage
- Woodsman
- Humans (Rashy Era)Humans (Rashy Era)
- Chevalier Arbalist
- Cuirassier
- Chevalier Basher
- Chevalier Bowman
- Chevalier Crossbowman
- Chevalier Doctor
- Chevalier General
- Chevalier Grand Marshal
- Chevalier Greatsword
- Chevalier Poleaxeman
- Chevalier Healer
- Chevalier heavy Crossbow
- Chevalier
- Holy Knight
- Chevalier Horseman
- Chevalier Knight
- Chevalier Lieutenant
- Chevalier Longbowman
- Chevalier Miliz
- Chevalier Pikeman
- Chevalier Quack
- Chevalier Rider
- Chevalier Sergeant
- Chevalier Siege Bowman
- Chevalier Soldier
- Chevalier Surgeon
- Chevalier Swordsman
- Chevalier Teuton
- Chevalier Townguard
- Chevalier Grand Knight
- Dardo Auxilia
- Dardo Bountyhunter
- Dardo Bowman
- Dardo Captain
- Dardo Cataphract
- Dardo Chariot
- Dardo Commander
- Dardo Compositbowman
- Dardo Flanker
- Dardo Hoplite
- Dardo Horse Lord
- Dardo Horseman
- Dardo Imperator
- Dardo Justicar
- Dardo Lancer
- Dardo Legion
- Dardo Longbowman
- Dardo Mercenary
- Dardo Phalanx
- Dardo Praetorian
- Dardo Sand Ranger
- Dardo Rider
- Dardo Equestrian
- Dardo Sellsword
- Dardo Slinger
- Dardo Striker
- Dardo War Chariot
- Ancient Druid
- Forest Archer
- Forest Axefighter
- Forest Axtmaster
- Forest Axethrower
- Forest Beastmaster
- Deerknight
- Deerrider
- Druid
- Forester
- King of the Forest
- Forest Herbalist
- Forest Hunter
- Forest Huntsman
- Forest Mage
- Forest Poacher
- Forest Ranger
- Forest Shaman
- Forest Tamer
- Forest Trapper
- Luz Abbot
- Luz Arbalist
- Luz Bishop
- Luz Cleric
- Luz Crossbowman
- Luz heavy Crossbow
- Luz Warden
- Luz Inquisiton Initiate
- Luz Inquisition Warrior
- Luz Inquisitor
- Luz Keeper
- Luz Knight
- Luz Militia
- Luz Monk
- Luz Paladin
- Luz Peasant
- Luz Pope
- Luz Priest
- Luz Rider
- Luz Sentinel
- Luz Tormentor
- Luz Veteran
- Luz Witchhunter
- Mountain Adventurer
- Eaglemaster
- Hermit
- Mountain Explorer
- Falconmaster
- Falcontrainer
- Mountain Flareman
- Mountain Hunter
- Wandering Mage
- Mountain Ranger
- Raventrainer
- Mountain Signalman
- Mountain Traveller
- Mountain Wise
- Wolf Fighter
- Wolf Warrior
- Wolfchampion
- Wolfguard
- Wolf Swordmaster
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Necromancer
- Dark Pyromancer
- Regis Court Mage
- Regis Bowman
- Regis Castellan
- Regis Siege Defender
- Regis Tourney Champion
- Regis Royal Mage
- Regis Palace Guard
- Regis Horseman
- Regis Hussar
- Regis Inflitrator
- Regis Jester
- Regis Jouster
- Regis King
- Regis Knight Errant
- Regis Longbowman
- Regis Mage
- Regis Master Bowman
- Regis Earl
- Regis Baron
- Regis Duke
- Regis Mounted Nobleman
- Regis Pikeman
- Regis Ranger
- Regis High Mage
- Regis Royal Guard
- Regis Spy
- Regis Squire
- Regis Swordsman
- Regis Traveling Knight
- Regis Healer
- Imperialists
- Imps
- Infernai
- Issaelfr
- KhthonKhthon
- Adamantine
- Adamantine (Hiding)
- Arctic Wolf
- Bellikakotaurus
- Bone Snapper
- Bone Snapper (Hiding)
- Brown Duck
- Cryosatyr
- Flying Toad
- Giant Duck
- Giant Toad
- Great Duck
- Horse
- Ipoten
- Katoblepon
- Katoblepon-Magnum
- Ker-Kato
- Khalkotaurus
- Land Tortoise
- Land Tortoise (Hiding)
- Nightmare
- Noble Beast
- Ophis
- Ophis-Magnum
- Orthrus
- Prokyon
- Pyradalon
- Ram
- Rock Back
- Rock Back (Hiding)
- Rock Snapper
- Rock Snapper (Hiding)
- Royal Beast
- Skylliaron
- Stymphallian
- Stympheon
- Taraxippon
- Tauricorn
- Terrapin
- Terrapin (Hiding)
- Timber Wolf
- Toad
- Yak
- Lavinians
- Machines
- MagicalMagical
- Air Avatar
- Air Elemental
- Air God
- Black Portal
- Dark Portal
- Dharma’rhami
- Dharma’rhami
- Dimensional Gate
- Dimensional Gate II
- Earth Avatar
- Earth Avatar
- Earth Elemental
- Earth Elemental
- Earth God
- Earth God
- Efreeti
- Efreeti
- Fire Avatar
- Fire Avatar
- Fire Elemental
- Fire Elemental
- Fire God
- Fire God
- Forest Spirit
- Great Efreeti
- Great Efreeti
- Great Jinn
- Great Jinn
- Ho’rhami
- Ho’rhami
- Infernal Vortex
- Jinn
- Jinn
- Master of Fire
- Master of Fire
- Mystical Jinn
- Mystical Jinn
- Rhami
- Rhami’datu
- Rhami’datu
- Rhami’kai
- Rhami’kai
- Rhami
- Swamp Spirit
- Water Avatar
- Water Elemental
- Water God
- Wonderful Jinn
- Wonderful Jinn
- Magnellians
- Marauders
- MechanicalMechanical
- Crystal Golem
- Golden Golem
- Golem
- Iron Golem
- Mithril Golem
- Quicksand Golem
- Stone Golem
- Ballista
- Bolter
- Paddle Frigate
- Paddle Ship
- Paddle Warship
- Dragon Prow
- Longboat
- Viking Gokstad
- Viking Oseberg
- Viking Roskilde
- Viking Skuldelev
- Automaton
- Contraption
- Golem
- Golem Soldier
- Goliath
- Iron Golem Soldier
- Balloon
- Balloon
- Battle Eye
- Battle Eye
- Battlecopter
- Battlecopter
- Black Orb
- Cosmic Eye
- Cosmic Eye
- Dark Observer
- Dark Observer
- Drone
- Dwarvish Tank
- Dwarvish Tank
- Flying Fortress
- Flying Fortress
- Golem
- War Golem
- War Golem
- Golem
- Heavy Balloon
- Heavy Balloon
- Magical Eye
- Mechanical Dragon
- Mechanical Dragon
- Mechanical Wyrm
- Mechanical Wyrm
- Mobile Defensive Platform
- Mobile Defensive Platform
- Dwarvish Mobile Turret
- Dwarvish Mobile Turret
- Pacificator
- Pacificator
- Pain Sphere
- Pain Sphere
- Perfect Drone
- Red Steam Ulfserker
- Red Steam Ulfserker
- Steam Berserker
- Steam Berserker
- Steam Turboserker
- Steam Turboserker
- Steam Ulfserker
- Steam Ulfserker
- Steamcopter
- Steamcopter
- Storm Sphere
- Storm Sphere
- Striding Machine
- Striding Machine
- Titan Golem
- Titan Golem
- bug 3827 workaround
- Longboat
- Trireme
- Caravel
- Corvette
- Elvish Schooner
- Elvish Brig
- Galley
- Trireme
- Dwarvish Ballista
- Dwarvish Scorpio
- Rashy Kecht
- Sloop
- Golem
- Rockgolem
- Stonegolem
- Frigate
- Galleon
- Dwarvish Ballista
- Dwarvish Plainsmaster
- Dwarvish Plainsrider
- Boat
- Galleon
- Pirate Galleon
- Transport Galleon
- MercenariesMercenaries
- Battlemage
- Black Mage
- Bouncer
- Brute
- Collector
- Corsair
- Cutthroat
- Guard
- Guerilla Calvalry
- Hessian
- Hitman
- Hunter
- Isolated Mage
- Man-At-Arms
- Maneuverer
- Mankiller
- Mariner
- Mercenary
- Neglect Mage
- Pickpocket
- Pirate
- Pirate Captain
- Protector
- Questfinder
- Rider
- Rookie
- Sailor
- Scavenger
- Seafarer
- Seeker
- Slasher
- Slayer
- Sniper
- Soldier-Of-Fortune
- Tracer
- Warrior Mage
- MerfolkMerfolk
- Aquana Mermaid Enchantress
- Aquana Merman Netcaster
- Aquana Merman Fighter
- Aquana Merman Hunter
- Aquana Mermaid Initiate
- Aquana Merman Javelineer
- Aquana Mermaid Siren
- Aquana Merman Spearman
- Aquana Merman Triton
- Aquana Merman Warden
- Aquana Merman Warrior
- Elyser Nymph
- Water fairy
- Water pixie
- Water sylph
- Mermaid Diviner
- Mermaid Enchantress
- Mermaid Initiate
- Mermaid Priestess
- Mermaid Siren
- Merman Brawler
- Merman Citizen
- Merman Entangler
- Merman Fighter
- Merman Hoplite
- Merman Hunter
- Merman Javelineer
- Merman Netcaster
- Merman Spearman
- Merman Triton
- Merman Warrior
- Minotaurs
- MonstersMonsters
- Creeper
- Giant Creeper
- Black Lizard
- Dark Lizard
- Fire Bird
- Phoenix
- Phoenix Hatchling
- Fishman
- Fishman Defender
- Fishman Fighter
- Sea Beast
- Sea Dragon
- Sea Monster
- Serpent
- Thunder Serpent
- Water Serpent
- Black Tyr'Hai
- Incarnation of Shassagoth
- Minotaur
- Shadow Tyr'Hai
- Blue Beast
- Blue Drake
- Blue Lizard
- Blue Unicorn
- Demonic Hound
- Hellhound
- Hound of Chaos
- Mynah
- Raven
- Great Roc
- Roc
- Lizard
- Toad
- Flesh Hound
- Hound
- Rabid Hound
- Warp Hound
- Young Bigfoot
- Baby Mudcrawler
- Bigfoot
- Brown Rat
- Cuttle Fish
- Fire Dragon
- Fire Guardian
- Fire Warrior Spirit
- Fire Wisp
- Giant Rat
- Giant Rat Duo
- Giant Rat Trio
- Giant Yeti
- Little Spider
- Mother Mudcrawler
- Mudcrawler
- Overgrown Scorpion
- Overgrown Spider
- Red Dragon
- Scorpion
- Scylla
- Sea Serpent
- Spider
- Sneaky Tentacle
- Water Serpent
- Water Snake
- Wingless Dragon
- Yeti
- Young Cuttle Fish
- Alligator
- Baby Sea Turtle
- Crab
- Crocodile
- Giant Crab
- Giant Sea Turtle
- Leviathan
- Overgrown Crab
- Sea Turtle
- Sting Ray
- Cuttlefish
- Giant Mudcrawler
- Giant Scorpion
- Sea Serpent
- Giant Spider
- Elder Seal
- Fleet Seal
- Seal
- Chaos Hydra
- Chaos Hydra
- Chaos Wyvern
- Chaos Wyvern
- Corrupted Hydra
- Corrupted Hydra
- Great Wyvern
- Great Wyvern
- Hellish Hydra
- Hellish Hydra
- Hydra
- Hydra
- Mu
- Great Hydra
- Great Hydra
- Um
- Wyvern
- Wyvern
- Ryong
- Ryu
- Tatsu
- Bronco
- Bull
- Mustang
- Beholder
- Evileye
- Chaser
- Hawk
- Maneater
- Mutt
- Observer
- Pursuer
- Retriever
- Shouldermount
- Boxer
- Kangaroo
- Wallaby
- Forest Bear
- Forest Cub
- Spirit of the Forest
- Spider
- Tarantula
- Caribe
- Cave Bear
- Cuttlefish
- Dragonfly
- Dragonfly Naiad
- Fire Ant
- Fire Ant Egg
- Fire Ant Queen
- Fire Dragon
- Fire Guardian
- Fire Wraith
- Firebane Ant
- Firebomb Ant
- Frost Stoat
- Giant Ant
- Giant Ant Egg
- Giant Ant Queen
- Giant Mudcrawler
- Giant Rat
- Giant Scorpion
- Giant Scorpling
- Giant Spider
- Grand Dragonfly
- Great Icemonax
- Great Seahorse
- Horned Scarab
- Hunter Caribe
- Icemonax
- Jinn
- Kraken
- Mudcrawler
- Nibbler
- Piglet
- Roc
- Rock Scorpion
- Sand Scamperer
- Sand Scuttler
- Sea Serpent
- Shadow Jumping Spider
- Soldier Ant
- Swamp Lizard
- Tentacle of the Deep
- Water Serpent
- Wild Wyvern
- Woodland Boar
- Wyvern Rider
- Yeti
- Mutants
- Nagas
- NativesNatives
- Acrobat
- Barbarian
- Clasher
- Druid
- Great Barbarian
- Great Seeker
- High Druid
- Prowler
- Ritualist
- Seeker
- Shaman
- Skullbreaker
- Skullhunter
- Sky Dancer
- Storm Summoner
- Stormlord
- Thaumaturgus
- Tribesman
- Warlock
- Brave
- Chief
- Elephant
- Hippo
- Hippopotamus
- Hunter
- Lion Adept
- Lion Master
- Lion Maverick
- Lion Renegade
- Lion Warrior
- Man Hunter
- Oliephant
- Prowler
- Runner
- Shaman
- Spirit Wielder
- Strider
- Warlock
- Warrior
- Wind Walker
- Witch Doctor
- Nemidians
- NordhrisNordhris
- Apprentice
- Northern Archer
- Arctic Prowler
- Braveheart
- Dire Reaver
- Farseer
- Feralheart
- Frenetic Shaman
- Frostdasher
- Northern Greatbow
- Icebounder
- Northern Fighter
- Northern Warlord
- Northern Warrior
- Northguard
- Northman
- Oathsworn
- Poacher
- Prowler
- Reaver
- Slaughterer
- Snowrunner
- Northern Strongbow
- Tribal Sage
- Warlock
- Wildheart
- Wiseman
- Witch Doctor
- Wolfheart
- Northern Orcs
- Offworld Creature
- Ogres
- Oracles
- Orcei GladiatoresOrcei Gladiatores
- Bestiarius
- Brutal Paegniarius
- Dimacherius
- Dimacherius Fortis
- Essedarius
- Essedarius Vulpis
- Feral Bestiarius
- Fleet Retiarius
- Gallus
- Hoplomachus
- Hoplomachus Fortis
- Khampsa
- Khampsa Audentis
- Laquerius
- Laquerius Faber
- Latronis
- Murmillo
- Murmillo Leonis
- Paegniarius
- Piscator
- Provocator
- Provocator Leonis
- Pugnator
- Retiarius
- River Lizard
- Samnis
- Secutor
- Secutor Leonis
- Thraex
- Thraex Paratus
- Venator
- Venator Faber
- OrcsOrcs
- Orcish Assassin
- Orcish Council Member
- Orcish Elder
- Orcish Leader
- Orcish Ruler
- Orcish Shaman
- Orcish Slayer
- Orcish Sovereign
- Bladesman
- Icewind Drover
- Icewind Herder
- Icewind Master
- Juggernaut
- Khan
- Massif
- Outcast
- Pariah
- Rigid
- Savage
- Shieldbearer
- Skewer
- Spearhead
- Spearman
- Stoic
- Vanguard
- Warrior
- Barbarian
- Barbarian Berserker
- Barbarian King
- Barbarian King
- Barbarian Lord
- Barbarian Lord
- Barbarian
- Blood Warrior
- Orcish Chieftain
- Orcish Chieftain
- Orcish Warbanner
- Orcish Warbanner
- Orcish Warrior
- Orcish Warrior
- Orcish Archer
- Orcish Assassin
- Orcish Crossbowman
- Orcish Grunt
- Orcish Leader
- Orcish Nightblade
- Orcish Ruler
- Orcish Slayer
- Orcish Slurbow
- Orcish Sovereign
- Orcish Warlord
- Orcish Warrior
- Orderlings
- Pirates
- Primevals
- Pygmies
- RashyRashy
- Marashy Adept
- Marashy Battlemage
- Marashy Bowman
- Marashy Conqueror
- Marashy Dark Lord
- Marashy General
- Marashy Guardian
- Marashy War Bowman
- Marashy Hunter
- Marashy Ki master
- Marashy Lieutenant
- Marashy Longbowman
- Marashy Longswordsman
- Marashy Looter
- Marashy Enchanter
- Marashy Monk
- Night Guard
- Marashy Pillager
- Marashy Raider
- Marashy Seeker
- Shadow Sentinel
- Marashy Soldier
- Marashy Sorcerer
- Marashy Spellblade
- Marashy Swordmaster
- Marashy Thief
- Marashy Warmonk
- Marashy Zealot
- Trarashy Archer
- Rashky Avatar
- Rashy Dimensionmage
- Trarashy Doublesword
- Rashy Energy Mage
- Trarashy Fighter
- Gaya
- Trarashy Guard
- Rashy Alchemist
- Trarashy Keeper
- Trarashy General
- Rashy Lightning Mage
- Luna
- Trarashy Longbowman
- Trarashy Marshal
- Rashy Astronomer
- Nova
- Trarashy Avantgarde
- Rashy Researcher
- Trarashy Rider
- Trarashy Scout
- Trarashy Sentinel
- Trarashy Sharpshooter
- Trarashy Sworddancer
- Rashy Chronomancer
- Rashy Vortexmage
- Ravens
- Refugees
- Rocs
- Roswellians
- SalamandersSalamanders
- Black Salamander
- Black Salamander
- Blue Salamander
- Blue Salamander
- Desert Salamander
- Desert Salamander
- Green Salamander
- Green Salamander
- Lava Salamander
- Lava Salamander
- Red Salamander
- Red Salamander
- Salamander
- Salamander Marine
- Salamander Marine
- Salamander
- Shadow Salamander
- Shadow Salamander
- Jungle Salamander
- Jungle Salamander
- Yellow Salamander
- Yellow Salamander
- SauriansSaurians
- Chaos Wyvern Knight
- Chaos Wyvern Knight
- Chosen of Forest
- Chosen of Forest
- Chosen of Marsh
- Chosen of Marsh
- Clan Leader
- Clan Leader
- Corrupted Shaman
- Corrupted Shaman
- Twin Archer Toad
- Twin Archer Toad
- Dreadnought
- Dreadnought
- Battle Toad
- Battle Toad
- Jungle Guardian
- Mystic
- Mystic
- Toad Mystic
- Toad Mystic
- Toad Archer
- Toad Archer
- Jungle Assassin
- Jungle Assassin
- Jungle Champion
- Jungle Crossbowman
- Jungle Crossbowman
- Jungle Pikeman
- Jungle Blowgunner
- Jungle Blowgunner
- Shamanistic Adept
- Shamanistic Adept
- Toad Shaman
- Toad Shaman
- Swamp Mage
- Swamp Mage
- Temple Guard
- Toad Rider
- Toad Rider
- Wyvern Rider
- Wyvern Rider
- Wyvern Knight
- Wyvern Knight
- Saurian Ambusher
- Saurian Augur
- Saurian Flanker
- Saurian Javelineer
- Saurian Oracle
- Saurian Prophet
- Saurian Seer
- Saurian Skirmisher
- Saurian Soothsayer
- Saurian Spearthrower
- Shaxthals
- Sidhe
- Slavers
- South-Sea Humans
- Spirits
- Statesmen
- Steelhive RobotsSteelhive Robots
- Steel Amniote
- Steel Avalanche
- Steel Bladewhirler
- Steel Boltstriker
- Steel Bombardier
- Steel Choriote
- Steel Cybercone
- Steel Cybercore
- Steel Dreadnought
- Steel Drone
- Steel Fideliant
- Steel Hive Empress
- Steel Hivequeen
- Steel Larva
- Steel Lightshifter
- Steel Mirage
- Steel Nymph
- Steel Oculus
- Steel Recon
- Steel Repairer
- Steel Rocketer
- Steel Scout
- Steel Sentient
- Steel Sentinel
- Steel Slasher
- Steel Sparkgazer
- Steel Syren
- Steel Vector
- Steel Vorpal
- Steel Welder
- TharisTharis
- Blade Dancer
- Bladefury
- Blademaster
- Blademaster
- Chainlady
- Matriarch of Frost
- Matriarch of Frost
- Dark Commander
- Dark Commander
- Crimson Blade
- Crimson Blade
- Dark Assassin
- Dark Assassin
- Dark Executioner
- Dark Hunter
- Dark Hunter
- Dark Slayer
- Dark Slayer
- Dark Warrior
- Dark Warrior
- Dark Wizard
- Dark Wizard
- Disciple
- Disciple
- Frontliner
- Frontliner
- Dark General
- Dark General
- Great Hunter
- Great Warlock
- Great Warlock
- Great Witch
- Great Witch
- Master of Darkness
- Master of Darkness
- Dark Warlord
- Dark Warlord
- Matriarch of Darkness
- Matriarch of Darkness
- Matriarch of Emptiness
- Matriarch of Emptiness
- Matriarch of Pain
- Matriarch of Pain
- Pain Mistress
- Pain Mistress
- Shadowblade
- Shadowblade
- Sword Dancer
- Witch
- Witch
- Thelians
- Therian Humans
- Treefolk
- Tribalist
- Trolls
- Ukian Dogs
- Ukians
- UndeadUndead
- Breeze
- Gale
- Gust
- Skeletal Banner Bone
- Corpse
- Corpse Amputator
- Corpse Archer
- Corpse Bone Shooter
- Corpse Burner
- Corpse Eliminator
- Corpse Fighter
- Corpse Headhunter
- Corpse Inferno
- Corpse Mage
- Skeletal Creep
- Skeletal Fortress
- Skeletal Frontliner
- Skeletal Guard
- Skeletal Horse Fighter
- Skeletal Horse Knight
- Skeletal Horse Rider
- Lich Adept
- Lich King
- Lich Lord
- Lich Overlord
- Lich Tyrant
- Lich Underlord
- Skeletal Mage Knight
- Skeletal Mage Rider
- Skeletal Maistresse
- Skeletal Sorceress
- Skeletal Spear Fighter
- Skeletal Viper
- Skeletal Witch
- Skeletal Dragon
- Undead Dragon
- Death Baron
- Doom Prophet
- Lich
- Skeleton
- Ancestor
- Forefather
- Warrior Spirit
- Abaddon
- Abaddon
- Apocalypse
- Apocalypse
- Atokpi
- Atokpi Charger
- Atokpi Charger
- Dark Atokpi
- Dark Atokpi
- Atokpi General
- Atokpi General
- Atokpi Infantry
- Atokpi Infantry
- Atokpi Master
- Atokpi Master
- Atokpi Samurai
- Atokpi Samurai
- Atokpi
- Bone Beast
- Bone Beast
- Bone Giant
- Bone Giant
- Bone Golem
- Bone Golem
- Bone Splitter
- Bone Splitter
- Crimson Atokpi
- Crimson Atokpi
- Cyclops Necromancer
- Cyclops Necromancer
- Cyclops Skeleton
- Cyclops Skeleton
- Dark Apostle
- Dark Apostle
- Devourer
- Doom Bringer
- Doom Bringer
- Extinct Cyclops Mage
- Extinct Cyclops Mage
- Fallen Cyclops King
- Fallen Cyclops King
- Harbinger
- Harbinger
- Greater Cyclops Skeleton
- Greater Cyclops Skeleton
- Mara
- Mara
- Moloch
- Moloch
- Nightmare
- Nightmare
- Obliterator
- Obliterator
- Omen
- Omen
- Pirafly
- Pirania Monstruosa
- Punisher
- Punisher
- Titania
- Animated Corpse
- Enchanted Sword
- Excalibur
- Floating Sword
- Magic Sword
- Possessed Sword
- Shadow Blade
- Shifting Sword
- Valhallan
- Warrior Spirit
- Arcane Spirit
- Holy Spirit
- Lightwisp
- Twilight
- Evil Essence
- Lost Soul
- Dwarvish Spirit
- Dwarvish Forefather
- Dwarvish Ancestor
- Frozen Soul
- Ice Heart
- Ancient Lich
- Banebow
- Bone Knight
- Bone Shooter
- Chocobone
- Death Knight
- Death Squire
- Deathblade
- Draug
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Lich
- Necrophage
- Nightgaunt
- Revenant
- Shadow
- Skeletal Dragon
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Archer
- Skeleton Rider
- Soulless
- Spectre
- Walking Corpse
- Wraith
- Undead (Rashy Era)Undead (Rashy Era)
- Darkelven Queen
- Banebow
- Black Paladin
- Black Skeleton
- Bone Shooter
- Burning Lich
- Death Knight
- Death Squire
- Fire Shooter
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Lich
- Necrophage
- Nightgaunt
- Nightmare
- Shadow
- Skeleton Archer
- Skeleton Horse
- Skeleton Junker
- Skeleton Mage
- Spectre
- Undead Horse
- Wraith
- Bone Construct
- Bone Giant
- Bone Golem
- Bone Mess
- Bone Snake
- Undead Leviathan
- Undead serpent
- VampiresVampires
- Apprentice
- Bitten
- Commander
- Count
- Dark Archer
- Vampire Fighter
- Grandmaster
- Heaven Hunter
- Lunatic
- Night Angel
- Night Warrior
- Vampire Prince
- Savage
- Savant
- Shadow Archer
- Shadow Fighter
- Wind Chaser
- Winged
- Blood Apprentice
- Blood Hulk
- Blood Manipulator
- Bloodborn
- Day Hunter
- Duelist
- Fledgeling
- Flesh Artisan
- Half Blood
- Malborn
- Methusalem
- Noble
- Sangel
- Sire
- Sword Dancer
- Thin Blood
- Twilight Walker
- Vikings
- Vixens
- Wargs
- WelkinWelkin
- Astral Ranger
- Battle Sage
- Battle Seer
- Deadeye
- Doyen
- Elder Sage
- Flurry
- Flyer
- Golden Guard
- Grand Flyer
- Guardian of Day
- Hierarch of Aten
- High Pyroation
- Lord
- Luna Protector
- Mentor
- Midnight Stalker
- Moonlight Glider
- Neophyte
- Patriarch
- Pyroation
- Quickdraw
- Sage
- Sentinel of the Moon
- Shadow Raider
- Solar Empyrean
- Star Shooter
- Talon Hero
- Talon Warrior
- Thoth's Bulwark
- Tornado
- Twilight Slayer
- Whirlwind
- Whities
- Wind Elementals
- Windsong Humans
- Wisps
- Wolves
- Wood WarriorsWood Warriors
- Adventurer Puck
- Amphibians Rider
- Bigfoot
- Carnivore Plant
- Destroyer Golem
- Exiled Alchemist
- Expedition Puck
- Explorer Puck
- Fatal Tangle
- Faun Captain
- Faun Overlord
- Faun Sharpshooter
- Faun Sniper
- Golem Wood Defender
- Legendary Sorcerer
- Little Golem
- Predator Rats Knight
- Rats Knight
- Swamp Explorer
- Swamp Pathfinder
- Terrible Bigfoot
- Wildrats Knight
- Wood's Druid
- Young Bigfoot
- Young Faun
- Woses
- Wyrms
- Yokai Feyborn
- Yokai Nymphs
- Yokai Obake
- Yokai Poltergeists
- Yokai Surgler
- the Fallenthe Fallen
- Fallen Asperser
- Fallen Beast
- Fallen Decapitator
- Fallen Dragonrider
- Fallen Enforcer
- Fallen Fighter
- Fallen Guard
- Fallen Infiltrator
- Fallen Inquisitor
- Fallen Knight
- Fallen Liquidator
- Fallen Lord
- Fallen Master
- Fallen Overlord
- Fallen Purgator
- Fallen Revenger
- Fallen Rider
- Fallen Scorch King
- Fallen Shieldbearer
- Fallen Shieldmaster
- Fallen Slayer
- Fallen Supreme Lord
- Fallen Tamer
- LanguageLanguage
- Build Report
Rune Adept

This unit is from The Era of Magic. Its coding and art were done by inferno8.
These short but stout dwarfsmen are known as Runeadepts, forgers of fire in ancient tongue. When grouped in numbers, they are a fearsome sight to behold, and are armed with huge hammers that shatter through the enemy front lines. Though the very sight of them is intimidating enough, it is even more fearsome for the dwarven foe to see the unrelenting accuracy of their attacks, for these items of weaponry are imbued with potent forces of magic that rip through any trick aimed at hazing assault.
Advances from: | ‒ |
Advances to: | Runesmith |
Cost: | 19 |
HP: | 35 |
Moves: | 4 |
XP: | 47 |
Level: | 1 |
Alignment: | neutral |
Id: | AE_mag_Runeadept_rpg |
Abilities: | ‒ |
Attacks (damage × count)
![]() | hammer | ![]() | 9 × 1 | ![]() | (enchanted) |
![]() | fire runes | ![]() | 6 × 3 | ![]() | (magical) |
![]() | ice runes | ![]() | 8 × 2 | ![]() | (magical) |
![]() |
blade | 20% | ![]() |
pierce | 20% | |
![]() |
impact | 20% | ![]() |
fire | 10% | |
![]() |
cold | 10% | ![]() |
arcane | 10% |
Terrain | Movement Cost | Defense | |
![]() |
Castle | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Cave | 1 | 50% |
![]() |
Coastal Reef | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Deep Water | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Fake Shroud | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Flat | 1 | 30% |
![]() |
Forest | 1 | 30% |
![]() |
Frozen | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Fungus | 1 | 40% |
![]() |
Hills | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Mountains | 1 | 70% |
![]() |
Sand | 1 | 30% |
![]() |
Shallow Water | 3 | 20% |
![]() |
Swamp | 3 | 20% |
![]() |
Unwalkable | ‒ | 0% |
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Village | 1 | 50% |
Last updated on Fri Mar 22 02:13:36 2024.