- CampaignCampaign
- Units
- Dead Water
- Delfador’s Memoirs
- Descent into Darkness
- Eastern Invasion
- Heir to the Throne
- Legend of Wesmere
- Liberty
- Northern Rebirth
- Secrets of the Ancients
- Son of the Black-Eye
- The Hammer of Thursagan
- The Rise of Wesnoth
- The Sceptre of Fire
- The South Guard
- Under the Burning Suns
- A Beastly Tale
- A Few Logs
- A Friendship Tested
- A Goblin Adventure
- A Group in a War
- A Little Adventure
- A Magicians Tale
- A New Order
- A Northern Village
- A Rough Life
- A Simple Campaign
- A Song of Fire
- A Song of the Winds
- A Vision Blinded
- A Whim of Fate
- AI Modification Demos
- Across the Ocean
- Affably Evil
- After EI
- Alariel's Journey: A Faerie Tale
- Aldur The Great
- Alfhelm the Wise
- Amaranthine Stone
- An Independence War
- An Innocent Man
- Antar, Son of Rheor
- Anthalia
- Aria of the Dragon-Slayer
- Ashen Hearts
- Assassin in the Forest
- Autumn Kingdoms - Prologue
- Betrayal of Thaeylan
- Birth of a Lich
- Bitter Revenge
- BloodLust Part I: Discovery
- BloodLust Part II: Mournblade
- Brave Wings
- Burning Souls
- Captured by a Nightmare
- Carved in Stone
- Children of the Dust
- Chyrospitals
- Cities of the Frontier
- Comrades in Arms
- Count Kromire
- Crin of Crenlyn
- Danse Macabre
- Dawn of Thunder
- Defense of Elensefar
- Desert Traders
- Distant Memory
- Distant Memory
- Distant Memory
- Distant Memory
- Doreldos: Fight to Liberty
- Dragon Fight
- Dreams of Urduk
- Dungeons of Wesnoth
- Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
- Elvish Dynasty RPG
- Elvish Incursion: Prologue
- Epic Between the Tides
- Epical
- Exploration of Life and Death
- Fairytales of the Empire
- Five Fates
- Flight to Freedom
- For Power Around the World
- For Power I The First Dash
- For Power II The Northern Alliance
- For Power III Enemy in Your Backyard
- For Power IV Shadow in the East
- For Power V The Big Crusade
- For Power VI The Dark Age
- Forgotten Conflicts
- Forgotten Legacy
- From Rocks And Blood
- Gali's Contract
- Galuldur's First Journey
- Genesis Episode I
- Ghostly Calls
- Grnk the Mighty, Part 1
- Grnk the Mighty, Part 2
- Hair to the Throne
- Heroes: The Iron Bulwark
- Heroes: The Iron Bulwark
- Heroes: The Iron Bulwark
- Hordes of the Other World
- Ice Age Fun: Exodus
- In The Ring
- Inky's Quest
- Invasion
- Invasion of Eliador
- Journey Into the Dwarven Roots
- Journey of a Frost Mage
- Kill the King
- La Légende du Comte Dracula
- La couronne de Liest
- Legend of Far North
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legends of Idaamub
- Lich's Terror
- Life of Mechzen
- Mage of Runes
- Marbus' Escape
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Merry Christmas
- Monsters of Midnight
- Napoleonic Wars
- Northern Forces
- Northern Rebirth
- Oath of Allegiance
- Omega's Tale
- Oneness of our Hearts
- Oneness of our Hearts
- Oneness of our Hearts
- Ooze Mini-Campaign
- Our Longest Year
- Palms amid Blue Dunes
- Panther Lord
- Pax Romana: The Rise of Vespasian
- Phantom Blood
- Purger of Evil
- Rally For Roanic
- Ray Among Shadows
- Ray Among Shadows
- Ray Among Shadows
- Rebellion in the fields
- Rebirth in Nature
- Return from Captivity
- Return from the Abyss
- Return of Sir Charles
- Return of the Monster
- Revenge of Kumakatok
- Revolution
- Rise of the Elementalist
- Salt Wars
- Sanctuary
- Saving Elensefar
- Saving Elensefar Redux
- Scenario With Robots
- Science Miracle
- Sepulchre of Elran
- Shadows of Deception: Episode I: Deceit
- Shadows of Deception: Episode I: Deceit
- Shattered Loyalty
- Sleuth Sisters
- Soldier of Wesnoth
- Son of the Black-Eye Easy Edition
- Source of the Elementals
- Strange Legacy
- Stranger In Wesnoth
- Swamp Witch Curse
- Swamplings
- Tactics Puzzles
- Talentless Mage
- The Altaz Mariners
- The Battle for the Contrabass Clarinet
- The Beautiful Child
- The Black Cross of Aleron
- The Case of the Missing Scepter
- The Champions of Ursidae
- The Dark Alliance
- The Dark Master
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Devil's Flute
- The Dragons Lair
- The Earth's Gut
- The Elf, the Dwarf and the Mage
- The Emperor
- The Fall of Wesnoth (Part 1)
- The Flight of the Pelicans
- The Founding of Borstep
- The Garardine Ascendancy
- The Goblin Rebellion
- The Heist
- The Home
- The Kings's Quest
- The Library of Kratemaqht
- The North Wind
- The Potlot Mystic : Story I
- The Potlot Mystic : Survival Game
- The Price of Capture
- The Price of Capture
- The Ravagers
- The Ravagers
- The Rise of Wesnoth (Alternative)
- The Rising Underworld
- The Roar of the Woses
- The Rod of Justice
- The Rod of Justice
- The Sojournings of Grog
- The Story of the Wose
- The Tale of Vaniyera
- The Thelien Attack
- The Three Sisters Saga
- The Underdog
- The Unstoppable Legion
- The War of Terrador
- The White Troll
- The Wolves' Last Path
- The World of Death RPG
- The Young Khan
- Thrugbad The Good
- To Lands Unknown
- Trapped
- Trinity Part 1: Convergence
- Trinity Part 2: Over the Moon
- Two sides of one coin
- Undead Dwarves
- Up From Slavery
- Up the River Bork
- Voyage of a Drake: an RPG
- WML Guide
- War of Life and Death
- War of the Dragon
- War of the Elementals
- War of the Jewel
- Way of Dragon
- Way of Dragon
- Weshack
- Wings of Valor
- Wings of Valor
- Wings of Victory
- Wrath of the Lich Lords
- Xalzar Quest
- Zombies:Introduction
- EraEra
- 10ages
- 18thCentury Warfare
- A Neverending Era
- A Neverending Era AoH
- A Neverending Era AoH: Shops
- A Neverending Era AoH: XP
- A Neverending Era Experimental
- A Neverending Era Experimental: Shops
- A Neverending Era Experimental: XP
- A Neverending Era: Shops
- A Neverending Era: XP
- A New Land Era
- A Random RPG Adventure Era
- A new human era
- AI-demos Experimental AIs
- Age - Civilization Era(old)
- Age of Heroes + Black Tide
- Age of Heroes + Dunefolk + The Soul Order
- Age of Heroes + Southerners
- Age of Heroes + The Soul Order
- Age of Heroes + rw
- Age of Lords
- Age of Tentacles
- Age of Trials
- Age of Trials + Default
- Age of Trials + Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Ageless Era
- Ageless Heroes
- Ageless RPG Era
- Altera
- Altered era/ruleset
- Alternate Era
- Animals_Age
- Archaic Era
- Archaic Era - Extended
- Armies of Amberan
- BSH RPG choices
- BSH under construction
- BSH under construction + Default
- Battle for the Rings
- Battleground Europe
- Beyond Southern Hells
- Beyond Southern Hells + Default
- Bloodlegacy
- Bob's RPG Era
- Champions of Four Moons
- Clash of the Default
- Clash of the Lords
- Clash of the Lords
- Clash of the Lords
- Colosseum
- Complete Kylandra
- Core Legends Era
- Cursed Era
- DMM: Drops
- DMM: Shops
- DMM: The Settlers
- DMMH: Drops
- DMMH: Shops
- DMML: Shops
- DMMLH: Shops
- Default + Beastmen
- Default + Black Tide
- Default + DFW
- Default + Deep Elves
- Default + Dunefolk (modified)
- Default + Dunefolk + The Soul Order
- Default + Eagle 11's version of Dunefolk
- Default + Goblins
- Default + Halflings
- Default + Islanders
- Default + Myths
- Default + Myths Lvl. 2
- Default + Nomads
- Default + Outlaws
- Default + Saurians
- Default + Southerners
- Default + The Soul Order
- Default + rw
- Default HOSL
- Default L0 Era
- Default Plus Era
- Default RPG
- Default Rats
- Default Werewolf Era
- Default plus Infernal
- Default+Arabian Nights
- Default+Dunefolk+Arabian Nights
- Default-1.12
- Default-1.4
- Default-1.6
- Default-1.8
- Den of Thieves Era
- Desert War
- Dov: Drops
- Dov: Settlers
- Dov: Shops
- Dov: XP
- Draconian Era
- Draconian Era Extended
- Dunefolk Balanced
- Eastern Europe at War
- Eclectic Era
- Empowered Legends Era
- EoFM + default
- Era of Creations
- Era of Four Moons
- Era of Four Moons Extended
- Era of Horrors
- Era of Legends
- Era of Legends + Dunefolk
- Era of Lords & Magic
- Era of Lucien
- Era of Magic
- Era of Magic (Age of Heroes)
- Era of Magic (Masters & Slaves)
- Era of Magic (RPG)
- Era of Maths
- Era of Music
- Era of Myths
- Era of Myths (balanced)
- Era of Myths + Blood Legacy
- Era of Myths Lvl. 2
- Era of Seafire with Dunefolk
- Era of Second Chances
- Era of Second Chances + Default
- Era of Second Chances + Heroes
- Era of Second Chances - Experimental
- Era of Second Chances - Heroic
- Era of Second Chances Test Recruitment
- Era of Service Branches
- Era of Shadows
- Era of Shadows + Default
- Era of Shadows + Default Heroic
- Era of Shadows Heroic
- Era of Worms
- Era of Worms + Default
- Era of classic Seafire
- Era of evolution tests
- Era of heroic Seafire
- Era of heroic Seafire with Dunefolk
- Era of modern Seafire
- Era of modern heroic Seafire
- Era of more units
- Era of the Ravagers
- Era of the Ravagers + Default
- Era with Robots
- Era_of_UREpic
- Era_of_UREpic + Default
- Eternal Era
- Everfell Era
- Everfell Era + Default
- Everfell Era + Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Everfell Era RPG
- Everfell Heroes
- Everfell Heroes + AoH
- Everfell Heroes + Lonely Heroes + AoH + Black Tide Heroes
- Evolves Era
- Extended Armies Era - Age of Heroes
- Extended Armies Era - Default
- Extended Armies Era and Age of Heroes
- Extended Armies Era and Default Era
- Extended Era
- Extended Era + Default
- Extended Kylandra
- Extended RPG
- Feniks
- Feniks + Def
- Feudal Champions
- Feudal Champions + AoH
- Feudal Era
- Feudal Era + Default
- Forgotten Legends
- Forgotten Legends + Default
- Forgotten Legends Heroes
- Forgotten Legends Heroes + Default
- Forgotten Legends RPG
- Forgotten Legends Rebalanced
- G.Race - Lv1
- G.Race - Lv1
- G.Race - Lv1
- GSE + Default
- Goblin Football
- Golden Age of Kylandra
- Golden Age of Kylandra + Default
- Grafted Era
- Half Civ (Research, Build)
- Heroes
- Heroes of Amberan
- Heroes+Arabian Nights
- Honeycomb
- Image Create!
- Imperial
- Imperial Champions
- Imperial RPG
- Infantry Wars
- Ironriders
- Kairo Era
- Ladder Era
- Ladder Test Era
- Lonely Era
- Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Lonely Era Heroes
- Lonely Era Heroes + Age of Heroes + Black Tide Heroes
- Lonely Era RPG
- Lords of Amberan
- LotI RPG Era
- Millennium Era
- Millennium Heroes Era
- Millennium RPG Era
- Moonday Era
- Moonday Era + Default
- Moonday Era AoH
- Moonday Era Balanced
- Myths RPG
- Obscured Folklore Era
- Obscured Zeros
- Old era
- Old era +imba +EoMa
- Old era +imbalanced
- PYRA Advanced
- PYRA Extended
- PYRA Standard
- PYRA Ultimate
- PlatinumRealm Default
- Q Civ (Research, Build)
- Rashy Era aoh
- Rashy Era default
- Rashy Era default extended
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of the Lords
- Reign of the Lords
- Reign of the Lords
- Rome at the First Century
- Royal Rumble Lvl 2
- SX RPG Era
- SXC Default Low Level Era
- Sanguine Era
- Shards Era
- Silver Age
- Slime Time
- Steppefolk
- The Great Quest
- The Great Steppe Era
- The Great Steppe Era (Age of Heroes)
- The Great Steppe Era (RPG)
- The War of Terrador
- Time Watchers
- Time Watchers
- WL Era
- WL Era + Dunefolk
- War Of The Gods Era Max LVLS v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits 3 Lvl Leaders v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits 4 Lvl Leaders v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits 5 Lvl Leaders v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Rpg v2.
- War Of The Gods Era v2.
- War of Dominions
- War of Legends Era
- War of Legends RPG
- Water Era
- Werewolf Era
- WesGo
- Wild Champions
- Wild Era
- WoFL age of heroes
- WoFL default
- World War II Era
- World War II Era (Italic Version)
- Zombie Apocalypse RPG
- mod_Rebels
- RaceRace
- all
- Abstractions
- Anakes
- Ancient Phantoms
- Ancient Spirits
- Angels
- Animals
- Aquana
- Aragwaithi
- Arendians
- Avatars
- Avians
- Bats
- Bears
- Blight
- Brungar
- Calydonian Humans
- Cavernei
- Celestials
- Centaurs
- Ceresians
- Clockwork Dwarves
- Cornurs
- Cult
- Cuttlefish
- Cyclopes
- Dalefolk
- Dark Elves
- Darkelves
- Darklanders
- Deep Elves
- Demons
- Despair
- Devlings
- Djinni
- Drakes
- Dryads
- Dunefolk
- Dwarves
- Elementals
- Eltireans
- Elves
- Elvish Spirits
- Elyser
- Emperors Guard
- Enchanters
- Equestrians
- Faeries
- Falcons
- Fanatics
- Free Saurians
- Freemen
- Frozen Golem
- Frozen Humans
- Gargoyles
- Giants
- Gnolls
- Gnomes
- Goblins
- Gryphons
- High Elves
- Highlanders
- Hivebrood
- Humans
- Humans (Rashy Era)
- Imperialists
- Imps
- Infernai
- Issaelfr
- Khthon
- Lavinians
- Machines
- Magical
- Magnellians
- Marauders
- Mechanical
- Mercenaries
- Merfolk
- Minotaurs
- Monsters
- Mutants
- Nagas
- Natives
- Nemidians
- Nordhris
- Northern Orcs
- Offworld Creature
- Ogres
- Oracles
- Orcei Gladiatores
- Orcs
- Orderlings
- Primevals
- Pygmies
- Rashy
- Refugees
- Rocs
- Salamanders
- Saurians
- Shaxthals
- Sidhe
- Slavers
- South-Sea Humans
- Spirits
- Statesmen
- Steelhive Robots
- Tharis
- Thelians
- Therian Humans
- Treefolk
- Tribalist
- Trolls
- Ukian Dogs
- Ukians
- Undead
- Vampires
- Vikings
- Vixens
- Wargs
- Welkin
- Whities
- Wind Elementals
- Windsong Humans
- Wisps
- Wolves
- Wood Warriors
- Woses
- Wyrms
- Yokai Feyborn
- Yokai Nymphs
- Yokai Obake
- Yokai Poltergeists
- Yokai Surgler
- none
- the Fallen
- Abstractions
- Anakes
- Ancient Phantoms
- Ancient Spirits
- Angels
- Animals
- Aquana
- Aragwaithi
- Arendians
- Avatars
- AviansAvians
- Archer
- Armorpiercer
- Bladewing
- Bombardier
- Bowflurry
- Broadwing
- Crow
- Daredevil
- Dart
- Diamondbeak
- Divebomber
- Dove
- Dreadnought
- Eagle Eye
- Egglayer
- Falcon
- Floater
- Grounded
- Hawkeye
- Hummingbird
- Ironbeak
- Jackdaw
- Mother
- Nestguard
- Nightwing
- Owl
- Passer
- Pigeon
- Raven
- Razorwing
- Rocket
- Savior
- Shell
- Sitter
- Skylord
- Skyterror
- Sparrow
- Steelbeak
- Watchman
- Winged Baron
- Bats
- Bears
- Blight
- BrungarBrungar
- Alligator Rider
- Amateur Tamer
- Apothecary
- Council Elder
- Council Member
- Crocodile Rider
- Crystal Master
- Dwarvish Hunter
- Dwarvish HuntsMaster
- Dwarvish Huntsman
- Experienced Tamer
- Expert Tamer
- Harpoon Guard
- Harpoon Specialist
- Harpoonier
- Herbalist
- Herbicider
- High Council Elder
- High Council Member
- Ice Apprentice
- Ocean Apprentice
- Practitioner
- Toxin Specialist
- Undecided Student
- Wave Master
- Wave Rider
- Calydonian Humans
- Cavernei
- Celestials
- CentaursCentaurs
- Angelican
- Apprentice
- Arch-Priestess
- Archer
- Captain
- Chaser
- Divine
- Elite
- Enchantress
- Fighter
- Guard
- Guardian
- Huntress
- Javelinier
- Patrol
- Pegasus
- Priestess
- Ranger
- Retriever
- Seductress
- Sentinel
- Spear Fighter
- Spearmaiden
- Warden
- Warrior
- Centaur Archer
- Augur of Hoofs
- Centaur Composite
- Centaur Fighter
- Centaur Heroic
- Knight of Hoofs
- Lancer of Hoofs
- Mystic of Hoofs
- Oracle of Hoofs
- Paladin of Hoofs
- Centaur Sharpshooter
- Centaur Warrior
- CeresiansCeresians
- Acolyte
- Arbalestier
- Cavaliero
- Cavalryman
- Champion
- Condottiero
- Corporal
- Crossbowman
- Deacon
- Espadachino
- Halberdier
- Knight Commander
- Knight Errant
- Knight Raetian
- Lieutenant
- Man-at-Arms
- Master Arbalestier
- Metropolitan
- Monk
- Monsignor
- Mounted Crossbowman
- Mounted Infantryman
- Novice
- Order Knight
- Pellegrino
- Pikeman
- Rodelero
- Squire
- Stradioto
- Yeoman
- Clockwork Dwarves
- Cornurs
- Cult
- Cuttlefish
- Cyclopes
- Dalefolk
- Dark Elves
- DarkelvesDarkelves
- Dark Archer
- Darkelf Assassin
- Bloodpriest
- Dark Guard
- Dark Priest
- Dark Rider
- Master Assassin
- Assassin Grandmaster
- Shadow Archer
- Nighteye
- Princess of the Night
- Night-mare
- Nightshadow
- Shadow General
- Crescent Warrior
- Shadow Priest
- Shadow Princess
- Shadow Rider
- Shadow Warrior
- Dark Spearman
- Spider Priest
- Darkelf Summoner
- Darkelf Thief
- Darklanders
- Deep Elves
- Demons
- Despair
- Devlings
- Djinni
- Drakes
- Dryads
- DunefolkDunefolk
- Dune Apothecary
- Dune Blademaster
- Dune Burner
- Dune Cataphract
- Dune Explorer
- Dune Firetrooper
- Dune Harrier
- Dune Herbalist
- Dune Marauder
- Dune Piercer
- Dune Raider
- Dune Ranger
- Dune Rider
- Dune Rover
- Dune Scorcher
- Dune Skirmisher
- Dune Soldier
- Dune Spearguard
- Dune Spearmaster
- Dune Sunderer
- Dune Swiftrider
- Dune Swordsman
- Dune Warmaster
- Dune Windrider
- DwarvesDwarves
- Dwarvish Arcanister
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Flamethrower
- Gyrocopter
- Dwarvish Runemaster
- Dwarvish Runesmith
- Steamcopter
- Steamwheel
- Dwarvish Thunderer
- Thunderwheel
- Warwheel
- Constructor
- Dwarvish Cannoneer
- Dwarvish Gunner
- Dwarvish Veteran
- Dwarvish Rune Lord
- Dwarvish Runic Warrior
- Dwarvish Warrior
- Mechanic
- Parachutist
- Rune Artist
- Rune Adept
- Runemaster
- Runesmith
- Technician
- Elementarist
- Dwarvish Engineer
- Dwarvish Lizardknight
- Dwarvish Lizardrider
- Dwarvish Lizardscout
- Dwarvish Miner
- Runeadept
- Runemage
- Dwarvish Smith
- Dwarvish Forest Crossbowman
- Dwarvish Forest Cutter
- Dwarvish Forest Explorer
- Dwarvish Forest Greataxe
- Dwarvish Forest Lumberjack
- Dwarvish Forest Pathfinder
- Dwarvish Forest Rapidfire
- Dwarvish Forest Scout
- Dwarvish Forest Sniper
- Dwarvish Forest Tinkerer
- Dwarvish Forest Waraxe
- Dwarvish Forest Warrior
- Dwarvish Arblaster
- Dwarvish Armorer
- Dwarvish Charger
- Dwarvish Compounder
- Dwarvish Crossbowman
- Dwarvish Defender
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Guard
- Dwarvish Linebreaker
- Dwarvish Repeater
- Dwarvish Runefighter
- Dwarvish Runewarrior
- Dwarvish Rusher
- Dwarvish Shieldman
- Dwarvish Smith
- Dwarvish Arcanister
- Dwarvish Berserker
- Dwarvish Dragonguard
- Dwarvish Explorer
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Guardsman
- Dwarvish Lord
- Dwarvish Pathfinder
- Dwarvish Runemaster
- Dwarvish Runesmith
- Dwarvish Scout
- Dwarvish Sentinel
- Dwarvish Stalwart
- Dwarvish Steelclad
- Dwarvish Thunderer
- Dwarvish Thunderguard
- Dwarvish Ulfserker
- Elementals
- EltireansEltireans
- Archbishop of Eltire
- Bishop of Eltire
- Calmblade
- Crusher
- Dawnbringer
- Destroyer
- Disciple of Eltire
- Elementalist
- Frostwalker
- Fury
- Glory Seeker
- Guardian of the Sun
- Hydromancer
- Hydromonger
- Infernal Master
- Knight Errant
- Knight of the Sun
- Lady o`War
- Lightbringer
- Patrol Captain
- Pyromancer
- Raging Mistress
- Siren
- Sky Captain
- Sky Lord
- Temptress
- Whirlpool Lord
- ElvesElves
- Desert Archer
- Desert Avenger
- Desert Captain
- Desert Champion
- Desert Druid
- Desert Fighter
- Desert Hero
- Desert Horseman
- Desert Hunter
- Desert Marksman
- Desert Marshal
- Desert Outrider
- Desert Prowler
- Desert Ranger
- Desert Rider
- Desert Scout
- Desert Sentinel
- Desert Shaman
- Desert Sharpshooter
- Desert Shyde
- Desert Star
- Dust Whirlwind
- Dust Faerie
- Dust Twist
- Dust Vengeance
- Quenoth Archer
- Quenoth Assassin
- Quenoth Blazebow
- Quenoth Captain
- Quenoth Chieftain
- Quenoth Flarebow
- High Priestess
- Quenoth Horseman
- Quenoth Hunter
- Life Mage
- Quenoth Lurker
- Quenoth Marksman
- Moon Enchantress
- Moon Priestess
- Quenoth Mystic
- Prophetess
- Quenoth Ravager
- Quenoth Rider
- Quenoth Sand Dasher
- Quenoth Seeker
- Quenoth Sharpshooter
- Quenoth Stalker
- Sun Enchantress
- Sun Priestess
- Quenoth Warrior
- Quenoth Wayfarer
- Elvish Acolyte
- Elvish Ascetic
- Elvish Avatar
- Elvish Mystic
- Elvish Archer
- Elvish Avenger
- Elvish Captain
- Elvish Champion
- Elvish Druid
- Elvish Enchantress
- Elvish Fighter
- Elvish Hero
- Elvish High Lord
- Elvish Lady
- Elvish Lord
- Elvish Marksman
- Elvish Marshal
- Elvish Outrider
- Elvish Ranger
- Elvish Rider
- Elvish Scout
- Elvish Shaman
- Elvish Sharpshooter
- Elvish Shyde
- Elvish Sorceress
- Elvish Sylph
- Elvish Spirits
- Elyser
- Emperors Guard
- EnchantersEnchanters
- Apocalyptic
- Arcane Rune Splicer
- Arcane Rune Transcriber
- Armorer
- Arsenal
- Blazier
- Clearbow
- Rune Splicer
- Crystalbow
- Cursedhand
- Cursedsword
- Devilhand
- Rune Elementalist
- Enchanter
- Fabricator
- Featherlite
- Forge
- Hotshot
- Ice Rune Improver
- Incinerator
- Powermad
- Reductor
- Rune Apprentice
- Rune Fire Specialist
- Rune Mage
- Rune Master
- Rune Purist
- Sacrificier
- Sellsoul
- Stockpiler
- Titan
- Equestrians
- Faeries
- Falcons
- Fanatics
- Free SauriansFree Saurians
- Saurian Assassin
- Saurian Brave
- Saurian Champion
- Saurian Duelist
- Saurian Elementalist
- Saurian Fighter
- Saurian Gladiator
- Saurian Healer
- Saurian Hero
- Saurian Holy
- Saurian Ice Lord
- Saurian Knife Thrower
- Lizard Master
- Lizard Rider
- Saurian Mage
- Saurian Mystic
- Saurian Sage
- Saurian Shockfrost
- Saurian Skirmisher
- Saurian Skulker
- Saurian Soulmage
- Swamp Fighter
- Swamp Guard
- Swamp Margrave
- Swamp Saurian
- Swamp Warrior
- Saurian Trainee
- Saurian Warchief
- Saurian Warrior
- Freemen
- Frozen Golem
- Frozen Humans
- Gargoyles
- Giants
- Gnolls
- Gnomes
- Goblins
- Gryphons
- High Elves
- HighlandersHighlanders
- Amputator
- Axe Thrower
- Bagplayer
- Barbarian
- Barfighter
- Bartap
- Behemoth
- Coldturkey
- Combatmedic
- Contestant
- Drunkard
- Fieldmedic
- Forester
- Gamekeeper
- Giant
- Hatchet Thrower
- Highlander
- Hulk
- Lumberjack
- Nord
- Odin
- Pilferer
- Pipeman
- Plunderer
- Rocklauncher
- Sober
- Stonethrower
- Thor
- Valkyrie
- Valkyrie Princess
- Valkyrie Warrior
- Viking
- Warpipe
- Wildman
- Woodsman
- Hivebrood
- HumansHumans
- Advanced Crossbowman
- Berserker
- Bowman
- Cavalier
- Champion
- Crossbowman
- Crusher
- Deathmaster
- Elite Gunner
- Fighter
- Guardian
- Gunner
- Halberdier
- Heavy Longbowman
- Knight
- Longbowman
- Longswordsman
- Pillager
- Raider
- Soldier
- Spearman
- Terror
- Trooper
- Warrior
- Azure Mage
- Blue Engineer
- Blue Machinist
- Blue Mage
- Blue Novice
- Tower Captain
- Tower Dancer
- Tower Ladyboy
- Tower Madam
- Tower Servant
- Tower Watchman
- Primevalist Brightshield
- Primevalist Celebrant
- Primevalist Fanatic
- Primevalist Fighter
- Primevalist Follower
- Primevalist Leader
- Primevalist Monk
- Primevalist Prior
- Primevalist Sun-Shield
- Northern Fighter
- Northern Ranger
- Northern Soldier
- Northern Warrior
- Constable
- Northern Fire-Knight
- Northern Herdsman
- Northern Rider
- Sheriff
- Northern Spotter
- Vassal
- Cataphract
- Chaos Cavalier
- Doom Guard
- Chaos Gunner
- Headhunter
- Hell Guardian
- Chaos Invader
- Chaos Invoker
- Knight of Chaos
- Chaos Lorekeeper
- Chaos Magus
- Marauder
- Chaos Marksman
- Chaos Pillager
- Chaos Raider
- Chaos Razerman
- Chaos Sharpshooter
- Soulhunter
- Master of Earth
- Master of Fire
- Master of Water
- Master of Wind
- Initiate
- Summoner of Earth
- Summoner of Fire
- Summoner of Water
- Summoner of Wind
- Archer
- Ambusher
- Bandit Fighter
- Crossbowman
- Crusher
- Dark Rider
- Dread Rider
- Forester
- Horseman
- Knight
- Noble
- Rogue Mage
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Mage
- Smasher
- Soldier
- Blood Knight
- Dark Knight
- Demonologist
- Doom Guard
- Headhunter
- Hell Guardian
- Invader
- Invoker
- Magus
- Marauder
- Overlord
- Soulhunter
- Archwitch
- Brigand
- Cunning Woman
- Outlaw Princess
- Outlaw Queen
- Raider
- Rogue Mage
- Shadow Lord
- Shadow Mage
- Outlaw Witch
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Cleric
- Avenger
- Banisher
- Battle Mage
- Black Mage
- Bronze Warrior
- Camel Master
- Camel Rider
- Carpet Master
- Carpet Rider
- Cavalry Archer
- Child of Light
- Bishop
- Dispeller
- Elemental Archer
- Elementalist
- Fanatic
- Fire Swordsman
- Golden Mage
- Golden Warrior
- Grand Summoner
- Guru of Magic
- Elite Camel Rider
- Heavy Cavalry Archer
- Heavy Summoner
- Hidden Face
- Inspired
- Grand Kharosian Warbanner
- Kharos War Banner
- Kirios
- Aeromancer
- Pyromancer
- Hydromancer
- Master of Air
- Master of Elements
- Solar Master
- Master of Water
- Master Mage
- Mistress of Light
- Mystic Warrior
- Mystical Archer
- Neutral Summoner
- Novice Summoner
- Platinum Warrior
- Prophet of Light
- Hoplite
- Sculptor
- Shadow Mage
- Shielder
- Silver Warrior
- Sister of Light
- Sky Guardian
- Slicer
- Sorcerer
- Subversive Mage
- Summoner
- Summons Master
- Sun Follower
- Solar Guardian
- Void Mage
- War Mage
- White Warrior
- Blood Hunter
- Bounty Hunter
- Soul Hunter
- Dark Pyromancer
- Arcane Archer
- Auxiliary
- Desperado
- Diu Bowmaiden
- Diu Bowmistress
- Diu Keenshot
- Dreadlord
- Eventide Alchemist
- Eventide Herbalist
- Eventide Poisoner
- Guardian of Noct
- Lineman
- Madcap
- Mariner
- Navigator
- Noct Macelord
- Noct Maceman
- Swabbie
- Arch Mage
- Assassin
- Bandit
- Bowman
- Cavalier
- Cavalryman
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Dragoon
- Duelist
- Elder Mage
- Fencer
- Footpad
- Fugitive
- General
- Grand Knight
- Grand Marshal
- Great Mage
- Halberdier
- Heavy Infantryman
- Highwayman
- Horseman
- Huntsman
- Iron Mauler
- Javelineer
- Knight
- Lancer
- Lieutenant
- Longbowman
- Mage
- Mage of Light
- Master Bowman
- Master at Arms
- Necromancer
- Outlaw
- Paladin
- Peasant
- Pikeman
- Poacher
- Ranger
- Red Mage
- Rogue
- Royal Guard
- Royal Warrior
- Ruffian
- Sergeant
- Shock Trooper
- Silver Mage
- Spearman
- Swordsman
- Thief
- Thug
- Trapper
- White Mage
- Woodsman
- Humans (Rashy Era)Humans (Rashy Era)
- Chevalier Arbalist
- Chevalier Armored Horseman
- Chevalier Bowman
- Chevalier Crossbowman
- Chevalier Doctor
- Chevalier General
- Chevalier Grand Marshal
- Chevalier Greatsword
- Chevalier Poleaxeman
- Chevalier Healer
- Chevalier heavy Crossbow
- Chevalier
- Holy Knight
- Chevalier Horseman
- Chevalier Knight
- Chevalier Lieutenant
- Chevalier Longbowman
- Chevalier Miliz
- Chevalier Pikeman
- Chevalier Quack
- Chevalier Rider
- Chevalier Sergeant
- Chevalier Siege Bowman
- Chevalier Soldier
- Chevalier Swordsman
- Chevalier Teuton
- Chevalier Townguard
- Chevalier Grand-knight
- Dardo Bountyhunter
- Dardo Bowman
- Dardo Captain
- Dardo Cataphract
- Dardo Cavalier
- Dardo Chariot
- Dardo Commander
- Dardo Compositbowman
- Dardo Hoplite
- Dardo Horseman
- Dardo Imperator
- Dardo Justicar
- Dardo Lancer
- Dardo Legion
- Dardo Longbowman
- Dardo Mercenary
- Dardo Phalanx
- Dardo Praetorian
- Dardo Rider
- Dardo Scout
- Dardo Sellsword
- Dardo War Chariot
- Ancient Druid
- Forest Archer
- Forest Axefighter
- Forest Axemaster
- Forest Axethrower
- Deerknight
- Deerrider
- Druid
- Forester
- King of the Forest
- Forestguard
- Forest Herbalist
- Forest Huntsman
- Forest Mage
- Forest Pikeman
- Forest Ranger
- Forest Shaman
- Forest Spearman
- Forest Trapper
- Luz Arbalist
- Luz Bishop
- Luz Cleric
- Luz Crossbowman
- Luz Crusader
- Luz heavy Crossbow
- Luz Holy Warrior
- Luz Inquisition Warrior
- Luz Inquisitor
- Luz Keeper
- Luz Knight
- Luz Miliz
- Luz Monk
- Luz Paladin
- Luz Pope
- Luz Priest
- Luz Rider
- Luz Sentinel
- Luz Tormentor
- Luz Witchhunter
- Luz Abbot
- Mountain Adventurer
- Eaglemaster
- Hermit
- Mountain Explorer
- Falconmaster
- Falcontrainer
- Mountain Flareman
- Mountain Hunter
- Wandering Mage
- Mountain Ranger
- Raventrainer
- Mountain Signalman
- Mountain Traveller
- Mountain Wise
- Wolf Fighter
- Wolf Warrior
- Wolfchampion
- Wolfguard
- Wolf Swordmaster
- Regis Arch Mage
- Regis Mounted Aristrocrat
- Regis Bowman
- Regis Mounted Earl
- Regis Grand Knight
- Regis Great Mage
- Regis Halberdier
- Regis Heavy Infantryman
- Regis Horseman
- Regis Iron Mauler
- Regis Javelineer
- Regis King
- Regis Knight
- Regis Longbowman
- Regis Mage
- Regis Master Bowman
- Regis Master Javelineer
- Regis Noble Commander
- Regis Noble Fighter
- Regis Warrior Prince
- Regis Mounted Nobleman
- Regis Pikeman
- Regis Red Mage
- Regis Royal Guard
- Regis Shock Trooper
- Regis Silver Mage
- Regis Spearman
- Regis Swordsman
- Regis White Mage
- Imperialists
- Imps
- Infernai
- Issaelfr
- KhthonKhthon
- Adamantine
- Adamantine (Hiding)
- Arctic Wolf
- Bellikakotaurus
- Bone Snapper
- Bone Snapper (Hiding)
- Brown Duck
- Cryosatyr
- Flying Toad
- Giant Duck
- Giant Toad
- Great Duck
- Horse
- Ipoten
- Katoblepon
- Katoblepon-Magnum
- Ker-Kato
- Khalkotaurus
- Land Tortoise
- Land Tortoise (Hiding)
- Nightmare
- Noble Beast
- Ophis
- Ophis-Magnum
- Orthrus
- Prokyon
- Pyradalon
- Ram
- Rock Back
- Rock Back (Hiding)
- Rock Snapper
- Rock Snapper (Hiding)
- Royal Beast
- Skylliaron
- Stymphallian
- Stympheon
- Taraxippon
- Tauricorn
- Terrapin
- Terrapin (Hiding)
- Timber Wolf
- Toad
- Yak
- Lavinians
- Machines
- MagicalMagical
- Air Avatar
- Air Elemental
- Air God
- Dark Portal
- Dharma’rhami
- Dimensional Gate
- Dimensional Gate II
- Earth Avatar
- Earth Elemental
- Earth God
- Efreeti
- Fire Avatar
- Fire Elemental
- Fire God
- Great Efreeti
- Great Jinn
- Ho’rhami
- Infernal Vortex
- Jinn
- Master of Fire
- Mystical Jinn
- Rhami
- Rhami’datu
- Rhami’kai
- Water Avatar
- Water Elemental
- Water God
- Wonderful Jinn
- Magnellians
- Marauders
- MechanicalMechanical
- Ballista
- Bolter
- Paddle Frigate
- Paddle Ship
- Paddle Warship
- Dragon Prow
- Longboat
- Viking Gokstad
- Viking Oseberg
- Viking Roskilde
- Viking Skuldelev
- Automaton
- Contraption
- Golem
- Golem Soldier
- Goliath
- Iron Golem Soldier
- Balloon
- Battle Eye
- Black Orb
- Cosmic Eye
- Dark Observer
- Drone
- Dwarvish Tank
- Flying Fortress
- Golem
- War Golem
- Heavy Balloon
- Magical Eye
- Mechanical Dragon
- Pacificator
- Perfect Drone
- Red Ulfserker
- Steam Berserker
- Steam Turboserker
- Steam Ulfserker
- Steamcopter
- Storm Sphere
- Striding Machine
- Longboat
- Trireme
- Caravel
- Corvettes
- Elvish Boat
- Elvish Ship
- Galley
- Rhinoreme
- Trireme
- Dwarvish Ballista
- Dwarvish Scorpio
- Cog
- Schooner
- Golem
- Rockgolem
- Stonegolem
- Frigate
- Galleon
- Dwarvish Ballista
- Dwarvish Plainsmaster
- Dwarvish Plainsrider
- Boat
- Galleon
- Pirate Galleon
- Transport Galleon
- MercenariesMercenaries
- Battlemage
- Black Mage
- Bouncer
- Brute
- Collector
- Corsair
- Cutthroat
- Guard
- Guerilla Calvalry
- Hessian
- Hitman
- Hunter
- Isolated Mage
- Man-At-Arms
- Maneuverer
- Mankiller
- Mariner
- Mercenary
- Neglect Mage
- Pickpocket
- Pirate
- Pirate Captain
- Protector
- Questfinder
- Rider
- Rookie
- Sailor
- Scavenger
- Seafarer
- Seeker
- Slasher
- Slayer
- Sniper
- Soldier-Of-Fortune
- Tracer
- Warrior Mage
- Merfolk
- Minotaurs
- MonstersMonsters
- Black Tyr'Hai
- Incarnation of Shassagoth
- Minotaur
- Shadow Tyr'Hai
- Blue Beast
- Blue Drake
- Blue Lizard
- Blue Unicorn
- Breeze
- Gale
- Gust
- Demonic Hound
- Hellhound
- Hound of Chaos
- Mynah
- Raven
- Great Roc
- Roc
- Lizard
- Toad
- Flesh Hound
- Hound
- Rabid Hound
- Warp Hound
- Young Bigfoot
- Baby Mudcrawler
- Bigfoot
- Brown Rat
- Cuttle Fish
- Fire Dragon
- Fire Guardian
- Fire Warrior Spirit
- Fire Wisp
- Giant Rat
- Giant Rat Duo
- Giant Rat Trio
- Giant Yeti
- Little Spider
- Mother Mudcrawler
- Mudcrawler
- Overgrown Scorpion
- Overgrown Spider
- Red Dragon
- Scorpion
- Scylla
- Sea Serpent
- Spider
- Sneaky Tentacle
- Water Serpent
- Water Snake
- Wingless Dragon
- Yeti
- Young Cuttle Fish
- Alligator
- Baby Sea Turtle
- Crab
- Crocodile
- Giant Crab
- Giant Sea Turtle
- Leviathan
- Overgrown Crab
- Sea Turtle
- Sting Ray
- Cuttle Fish
- Giant Mudcrawler
- Giant Scorpion
- Sea Serpent
- Giant Spider
- Elder Seal
- Fleet Seal
- Seal
- Chaos Hydra
- Chaos Wyvern
- Great Wyvern
- Hydra
- Mu
- Great Hydra
- Um
- Wyvern
- Ryong
- Ryu
- Tatsu
- Bronco
- Bull
- Mustang
- Beholder
- Evileye
- Chaser
- Hawk
- Maneater
- Mutt
- Observer
- Pursuer
- Retriever
- Shouldermount
- Boxer
- Kangaroo
- Wallaby
- Forest Bear
- Forest Cub
- Spirit of the Forest
- Spider
- Tarantula
- Cuttle Fish
- Fire Dragon
- Fire Guardian
- Giant Mudcrawler
- Giant Rat
- Giant Scorpion
- Giant Scorpling
- Giant Spider
- Mudcrawler
- Sea Serpent
- Tentacle of the Deep
- Water Serpent
- Yeti
- Mutants
- Nagas
- Natives
- Nemidians
- NordhrisNordhris
- Apprentice
- Northern Archer
- Arctic Prowler
- Braveheart
- Dire Reaver
- Farseer
- Feralheart
- Frenetic Shaman
- Frostdasher
- Northern Greatbow
- Icebounder
- Northern Fighter
- Northern Warlord
- Northern Warrior
- Northguard
- Northman
- Oathsworn
- Poacher
- Prowler
- Reaver
- Slaughterer
- Snowrunner
- Northern Strongbow
- Tribal Sage
- Warlock
- Wildheart
- Wiseman
- Witch Doctor
- Wolfheart
- Northern Orcs
- Offworld Creature
- Ogres
- Oracles
- Orcei GladiatoresOrcei Gladiatores
- Bestiarius
- Brutal Paegniarius
- Dimacherius
- Dimacherius Fortis
- Essedarius
- Essedarius Vulpis
- Feral Bestiarius
- Fleet Retiarius
- Gallus
- Hoplomachus
- Hoplomachus Fortis
- Khampsa
- Khampsa Audentis
- Laquerius
- Laquerius Faber
- Latronis
- Murmillo
- Murmillo Leonis
- Paegniarius
- Piscator
- Provocator
- Provocator Leonis
- Pugnator
- Retiarius
- River Lizard
- Samnis
- Secutor
- Secutor Leonis
- Thraex
- Thraex Paratus
- Venator
- Venator Faber
- OrcsOrcs
- Orcish Assassin
- Orcish Council Member
- Orcish Elder
- Orcish Leader
- Orcish Nightblade
- Orcish Ruler
- Orcish Shaman
- Orcish Slayer
- Orcish Sovereign
- Bladesman
- Icewind Drover
- Icewind Herder
- Icewind Master
- Juggernaut
- Khan
- Massif
- Outcast
- Pariah
- Rigid
- Savage
- Shieldbearer
- Skewer
- Spearhead
- Spearman
- Stoic
- Vanguard
- Warrior
- Barbarian
- Barbarian Berserker
- Barbarian King
- Barbarian Lord
- Blood Warrior
- Orcish Warbanner
- Orcish Warrior
- Orcish Archer
- Orcish Assassin
- Orcish Crossbowman
- Orcish Grunt
- Orcish Leader
- Orcish Nightblade
- Orcish Ruler
- Orcish Slayer
- Orcish Slurbow
- Orcish Sovereign
- Orcish Warlord
- Orcish Warrior
- Orderlings
- Primevals
- Pygmies
- RashyRashy
- Marashy Adept
- Marashy Battlemage
- Marashy Bowman
- Marashy Conqueror
- Marashy Dark Lord
- Marashy General
- Marashy Guardian
- Marashy War Bowman
- Marashy Hunter
- Marashy Lieutenant
- Marashy Longbowman
- Marashy Longsworsman
- Marashy Looter
- Marashy Enchanter
- Marashy Monk
- Night guard
- Marashy Pillager
- Marashy Raider
- Marashy Seeker
- Shadow Sentinel
- Marashy Soldier
- Marashy Sorcerer
- Marashy Swordmaster
- Marashy Thief
- Marashy Warlock
- Marashy Warmonk
- Marashy Zealot
- Trarashy Archer
- Rashky Avatar
- Rashy Dimensionmage
- Trarashy Swordsman
- Rashy Energy Mage
- Trarashy Fighter
- Gaya
- Trarashy Guard
- Trarashy Keeper
- Trarashy General
- Rashy Lightning Mage
- Luna
- Trarashy Longbowman
- Trarashy Marshall
- Rashy Astronomer
- Nova
- Trarashy Avantgarde
- Rashy Researcher
- Trarashy Rider
- Trarashy Scout
- Trarashy Sentinel
- Trarashy Sharpshooter
- Trarashy Sworddancer
- Rashy Timemage
- Rashy Vortexmage
- Refugees
- Rocs
- Salamanders
- SauriansSaurians
- Chaos Wyvern Rider
- Chosen of Forest
- Chosen of Marsh
- Clan Leader
- Corrupted Shaman
- Twin Archer Toad
- Dreadnought
- Battle Toad
- Jungle Guardian
- Mystic
- Toad Mystic
- Toad Archer
- Saurian Assassin
- Saurian Champion
- Saurian Crossbowman
- Saurian Pikeman
- Saurian Blowgunner
- Shamanistic Adept
- Toad Shaman
- Swamp Mage
- Toad Rider
- Wyvern Rider
- Wyvern Knight
- Saurian Ambusher
- Saurian Augur
- Saurian Flanker
- Saurian Oracle
- Saurian Skirmisher
- Saurian Soothsayer
- Shaxthals
- Sidhe
- Slavers
- South-Sea Humans
- Spirits
- Statesmen
- Steelhive RobotsSteelhive Robots
- Steel Amniote
- Steel Bladewhirler
- Steel Boltstriker
- Steel Choriote
- Steel Cybercone
- Steel Cybercore
- Steel Drone
- Steel Fideliant
- Steel Hive Empress
- Steel Hivequeen
- Steel Larva
- Steel Lightshifter
- Steel Mirage
- Steel Nymph
- Steel Oculus
- Steel Recon
- Steel Repairer
- Steel Scout
- Steel Sentient
- Steel Slasher
- Steel Sparkgazer
- Steel Syren
- Steel Vector
- Steel Vorpal
- Steel Welder
- Tharis
- Thelians
- Therian Humans
- Treefolk
- Tribalist
- Trolls
- Ukian Dogs
- Ukians
- UndeadUndead
- Skeletal Banner Bone
- Corpse
- Corpse Amputator
- Corpse Archer
- Corpse Bone Shooter
- Corpse Burner
- Corpse Eliminator
- Corpse Fighter
- Corpse Headhunter
- Corpse Inferno
- Corpse Mage
- Skeletal Creep
- Skeletal Fortress
- Skeletal Frontliner
- Skeletal Guard
- Skeletal Horse Fighter
- Skeletal Horse Knight
- Skeletal Horse Rider
- Lich Adept
- Lich King
- Lich Lord
- Lich Overlord
- Lich Tyrant
- Lich Underlord
- Skeletal Mage Knight
- Skeletal Mage Rider
- Skeletal Maistresse
- Skeletal Sorceress
- Skeletal Spear Fighter
- Skeletal Viper
- Skeletal Witch
- Skeletal Dragon
- Undead Dragon
- Death Baron
- Lich
- Skeleton
- Ancestor
- Forefather
- Warrior Spirit
- Abaddon
- Apocalypse
- Atokpi
- Dark Atokpi
- Atokpi General
- Atokpi Master
- Atokpi Samurai
- Bone Beast
- Bone Giant
- Bone Golem
- Cyclops Necromancer
- Cyclops Skeleton
- Dark Apostle
- Devourer
- Extinct Cyclops Mage
- Fallen Cyclops King
- Legendary Cyclops
- Mara
- Moloch
- Nightmare
- Obliterator
- Omen
- Pirafly
- Pirania Monstruosa
- Punisher
- Titania
- Animated Corpse
- Enchanted Sword
- Excalibur
- Floating Sword
- Magic Sword
- Possessed Sword
- Shadow Blade
- Shifting Sword
- Valhallan
- Warrior Spirit
- Arcane Spirit
- Holy Spirit
- Lightwisp
- Twilight
- Evil Essence
- Lost Soul
- Darkelven Queen
- Dwarvish Spirit
- Dwarvish Forefather
- Dwarvish Ancestor
- Black Paladin
- Bone Knight
- Burning Lich
- Death Knight
- Death Rider
- Death Squire
- Skeleton Junker
- Skeleton Rider
- Frozen Soul
- Ice Heart
- Ancient Lich
- Banebow
- Bone Shooter
- Chocobone
- Death Knight
- Deathblade
- Draug
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Lich
- Necrophage
- Nightgaunt
- Revenant
- Shadow
- Skeletal Dragon
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Archer
- Soulless
- Spectre
- Walking Corpse
- Wraith
- VampiresVampires
- Apprentice
- Bitten
- Commander
- Count
- Dark Archer
- Vampire Fighter
- Grandmaster
- Heaven Hunter
- Lunatic
- Night Angel
- Night Warrior
- Vampire Prince
- Savage
- Savant
- Shadow Archer
- Shadow Fighter
- Wind Chaser
- Winged
- Blood Apprentice
- Blood Hulk
- Blood Manipulator
- Bloodborn
- Day Hunter
- Duelist
- Fledgeling
- Flesh Artisan
- Half Blood
- Malborn
- Methusalem
- Noble
- Sangel
- Sire
- Sword Dancer
- Thin Blood
- Twilight Walker
- Vikings
- Vixens
- Wargs
- WelkinWelkin
- Astral Ranger
- Battle Sage
- Battle Seer
- Deadeye
- Doyen
- Elder Sage
- Flurry
- Flyer
- Golden Guard
- Grand Flyer
- Guardian of Day
- Hierarch of Aten
- High Pyroation
- Lord
- Luna Protector
- Mentor
- Midnight Stalker
- Moonlight Glider
- Neophyte
- Patriarch
- Pyroation
- Quickdraw
- Sage
- Sentinel of the Moon
- Shadow Raider
- Solar Empyrean
- Star Shooter
- Talon Hero
- Talon Warrior
- Thoth's Bulwark
- Tornado
- Twilight Slayer
- Whirlwind
- Whities
- Wind Elementals
- Windsong Humans
- Wisps
- WolvesWolves
- Cave Dragoon
- Cave Lancer
- Goblin Rat-Rider
- Marabou Stork
- Stork Master
- Demon Wolf
- Dread Wolf
- Wolf
- Direwolf
- Great Wolf
- Wolf
- Goblin Cavalryman
- Goblin Lancer
- Hellwolf Rider
- Wolf
- Dire Wolf
- Wolf
- Young Wolf
- Dire Wolf
- Wolf
- Wolf Cub
- Alpha Wolf
- Forest Wolf
- Young Forest Wolf
- Direwolf
- Direwolf Rider
- Goblin Knight
- Goblin Pillager
- Great Wolf
- Wolf
- Wolf Rider
- Wood WarriorsWood Warriors
- Amphibians Rider
- Bigfoot
- Carnivore Plant
- Destroyer Golem
- Exiled Alchemist
- Explorer Puck
- Fatal Tangle
- Faun Captain
- Faun Overlord
- Faun Sharpshooter
- Faun Sniper
- Golem Wood Defender
- Legendary Sorcerer
- Little Golem
- Predator Rats Knight
- Rats Knight
- Swamp Explorer
- Swamp Pathfinder
- Terrible Bigfoot
- Wildrats Knight
- Wood's Druid
- Young Bigfoot
- Young Faun
- Woses
- Wyrms
- Yokai Feyborn
- Yokai Nymphs
- Yokai Obake
- Yokai Poltergeists
- Yokai Surgler
- the Fallenthe Fallen
- Fallen Asperser
- Fallen Beast
- Fallen Decapitator
- Fallen Dragonrider
- Fallen Enforcer
- Fallen Fighter
- Fallen Guard
- Fallen Infiltrator
- Fallen Inquisitor
- Fallen Knight
- Fallen Liquidator
- Fallen Lord
- Fallen Master
- Fallen Overlord
- Fallen Purgator
- Fallen Revenger
- Fallen Rider
- Fallen Scorch King
- Fallen Shieldbearer
- Fallen Shieldmaster
- Fallen Slayer
- Fallen Supreme Lord
- Fallen Tamer
- LanguageLanguage
- Build Report
Okse Skjold

This is the Eternal Era special note This is the viking special note...

Advances from: | Stor Oks |
Advances to: | ‒ |
Cost: | 46 |
HP: | 57 |
Moves: | 5 |
XP: | 150 |
Level: | 3 |
Alignment: | neutral |
Id: | AE_ele_Viking_Okse_Skjold |
Abilities: | better-shieldwall |
Attacks (damage × count)
![]() | axe melee | 13 × 3 blade | |
![]() | shield melee | 14 × 2 impact | resistant 1 |
![]() | hatchet ranged | 8 × 1 blade |
![]() |
blade | 0% | ![]() |
pierce | 0% | |
![]() |
impact | 0% | ![]() |
fire | 0% | |
![]() |
cold | 10% | ![]() |
arcane | 20% |
Terrain | Movement Cost | Defense | |
![]() |
Castle | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Cave | 2 | 50% |
![]() |
Coastal Reef | 2 | 40% |
![]() |
Deep Water | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Fake Shroud | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Flat | 1 | 40% |
![]() |
Forest | 1 | 40% |
![]() |
Frozen | 2 | 40% |
![]() |
Fungus | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Hills | 1 | 50% |
![]() |
Mountains | 2 | 60% |
![]() |
Sand | 2 | 20% |
![]() |
Shallow Water | 3 | 40% |
![]() |
Swamp | 3 | 20% |
![]() |
Unwalkable | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Village | 1 | 60% |
Last updated on Wed Mar 20 04:29:51 2024.