The ghast is a creature taken from humankind’s most primal nightmares. Unlike their lesser cousins, ghouls and necrophages, ghasts are not patient enough to wait for their victim to die from poison before consuming the body. They attack directly with their enormous mouths, trying to rip the flesh straight from their foes. Once their enemy is defeated, they eat the rest of the body, gaining strength in the process.
Aire sònraichte: Gabhaidh na h-ìobairtean aig puinsean an aonaid seo dochann gu cunbhalach gus tèid an leigheas ann am baile no le aonad aig a bheil leigheas. Gheibh an t-aonad seo 1 phuing-bheatha as motha a bharrachd gach turas a mharbhas e aonad beò.
Àrdaichidh e bho: | Glàmasair nam Marbh |
Àrdaichidh e gu: | |
Cosgais: | 41 |
PB: | 65 |
Gluasad: | 5 |
PE: | 150 |
Level: | 3 |
Co-thaobhadh: | coimeasgach |
ID | Ghast |
Comasan: | ithe |
Ionnsaighean (damage - count)
bìdeadh dlùth | 10 - 3 lann | puinsean |
lann | 10% | bioradh | 30% | |||
bualadh | 0% | teine | 10% | |||
fuachd | 40% | dìomhair | 20% |
Cosgais ghluasaid | |||
Cruth-tìre | Dìon | ||
Badan balgain-bhuachair | 2 | 60% | |
Baile | 1 | 60% | |
Beanntan | 3 | 60% | |
Boglach | 2 | 30% | |
Caisteal | 1 | 60% | |
Cnuic | 2 | 50% | |
Coille | 2 | 50% | |
Do-choiseach | - | 0% | |
Gaineamh | 2 | 30% | |
Reòite | 2 | 30% | |
Riof cladaich | 2 | 30% | |
Rèidh | 1 | 40% | |
Tanalach | 3 | 20% | |
Uamh | 2 | 40% | |
Uisge domhain | - | 0% |