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The necrophage, or ‘devourer of the dead’, is a monstrous, corpulent thing, which bears only a crude resemblance to a man. They appear to be quite rotten in spite of their ability to move; they are rife with disease and poisons of the blood, and have a stench to match. But the most revolting fact about these fratures, apparent only to those who can perceive the traces of foul magic on them, is that they were somehow made from living men — a process about which almost nothing is known, but which can be nothing but nightmarish.

Notas especiales: Las víctimas del veneno de esta unidad irán perdiendo vida continuamente hasta que sean curados en un pueblo, o por una unidad sanadora. Esta unidad gana 1 punto de vida añadido a su máximo cuando mata a una unidad viva.


Procede de: Ghul
Se convierte en: Necrario/Ghast
Coste: 27
PV: 47
Movimiento: 5
PX: 120
Level: 2
Alineamiento: caótico
Habilidades: alimentación

Ataques (damage - count)

cuerpo a cuerpo
7 - 3
de corte


(icon) de corte10% (icon) de penetración30%
(icon) de impacto0% (icon) de fuego10%
(icon) de frío40% (icon) arcano20%


Coste de movimiento
(icon) Aguas profundas-0%
(icon) Aguas someras320%
(icon) Aldea160%
(icon) Arena230%
(icon) Arrecife costero230%
(icon) Bosque250%
(icon) Campo de setas260%
(icon) Castillo160%
(icon) Colinas250%
(icon) Congelado230%
(icon) Cueva240%
(icon) Intransitable-0%
(icon) Llano140%
(icon) Montañas360%
(icon) Pantano230%