רוכב זאבים

רמה 1


מתקדמת אל: אביר גובליני  בוזז גובליני 

מתקדמת אל:

נק\32  מהלכים: 17  מהלכים: נטיה: תוהו  נק\30


No one is quite sure how the practice of taming and riding wolves came into being, but the advantages of it for a goblin are obvious. Goblins are smaller and much weaker than their orcish kin, and are often tasked to the most dangerous and unwanted parts of a fight. Any who can manage to win themselves a mount have a much safer, and daresay, more amusing role in combat.
Wolves, likely, could never support the weight of a man in plate, but a goblin in leather armor is a simple load to bear. Quite unlike horses, these mounts have a rather easy time traversing the mountains, though water and woods will still slow them down.


שם סוג נסיונות פגיעה טווח מיוחד
שיני ארס להב 5-3 קפ\  


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