Drake Warden

Nivel 3


Avanza a:

Advance from: Drake Slasher

HP: 82  Custo: 46  Movementos: Aliñación: legal  XP: 150


The Warden represents the pinnacle of the clasher caste, being picked from the most able Slashers. They have forged their might such that few warriors on this earth would dare stand against them. The Wardens' weapon of choice is the halberd, which they use to great effect. The length of this unit's weapon allows it to strike first in melee, even in defense.


Nome Tipo Ataque Alcance Especial
alabarda folla 16-3 corpo a corpo  
alabarda perforación 23-2 corpo a corpo primeiro golpe 


folla 20%
frío -50%
lume 50%
arcane -30%
impacto 30%
perforación 20%

Modificadores de Terreo

Terreo Movemento Defensa
Castelo 1 40%
Vila 1 40%
Auga Profunda 99 10%
Auga Superficial 3 20%
Prado 1 30%
Bosque 2 40%
Outeiros 1 40%
Montañas 1 40%
Braña 3 20%
Area 1 40%
Cova 2 30%
Neve 3 20%
Colonia de Cogomelos 2 40%
Abismo 99 20%

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