Nano ulfserker-a

Maila 1


Hurrengo unitatea: Nano berseker 

Hurrengo unitatea:

BP: 34  Mugimenduak:19  Mugimenduak:Lerrokatzea: neutrala  EP: 42


Dwarves are an ancient race of powerful fighters. Ulfserkers are the most ferocious of these; in battle, they will work themselves into a blind rage wherein they feel neither fear nor pain, and will pay no heed to any wounds they receive. Whenever its berserk attack is used, this unit continues to push the attack until either it or its enemy lies dead.


Izena Mota Atakatu Distantzia Berezia
Nano berseker Heriotz ezpata 4-4 buruz buru Ikusleak 


Heriotz ezpata 20%
hotz 10%
su 10%
urrutira 10%
kolpea 20%
Tranpa jartzailea 20%

Lursail modifikatzaileak

Lursaila Mugimendua Defentsa
Gaztelua 1 40%
Herrixka 1 40%
Ur sakona 99 20%
Azaletako ura 3 20%
Zelaia 1 30%
Basoa 1 30%
Medilerroak 1 40%
Mendiak 1 50%
Padura 3 20%
Hondarra 1 30%
Leizea 1 40%
Elurra 2 30%
Mushroom Grove 1 40%
Chasm 99 20%

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